Toni Fowler

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It was late, like, really late. 00:46 am to be exact. It was a rather busy day in the office again. And it's all because of one person.

Toni fowler. Male, age 46. Murderer, kidnapper, and all-around looney. Over 40 murders on his name, and all of them had at least 1 finger missing, weird? I know. Oh, and did I mention he only kills women in their mid-20's, but only rapes them when they stop breathing. So, yeah... not only is he a rapist, but also is seriously addicted to necrophilia.

I've been hunting down this guy for years now. A few weeks ago, me and the boys managed to corner him in an old run-down deli. But, to no-one's surprise, he managed to get away. But I did manage to get a good look at that guys face.... Now it's all I can think about.

He had long grey hair, scars all over his face, almost black eyes, and the one thing I will never forget.... His really f***ing ugly nose. That was 6 weeks ago, and I've been working my ass off trying to get just a hint on where he could be right now. and just a few minutes ago I got a call from James, my best mate since we were still training to become policemen, who is as (dare I say) obsessed with this guy as I am, saying that some people have been reporting of loud noises and screaming from across the road. So, I grab my coat, badge, and my Glock 22 (not that I like using my gun) and head out.

The destination is in the next town over so by the time I get there its already 1:19. I'm in the car with James and we decide not to blast the sirens just in case what I think is happening is happening and if the person 'doing the dirty' hears they'll make a run for it. I arrive at the reported place and to my surprise, it's a fishing dock? The person that reported the noise is Domm 'Ripper' Green, the towns fish monger. Ripper said he saw a man dragging a large trash bag into the storage shed and then he heard a young woman screaming.

Me and James turn on our flashlights, James loads his gun (I keep mine in my holster) and walk over to the shed. We get to the shed and try to listen to what's going on. I hear some shuffling and what sounds like clicking. I look through a crack in the door and see a hooded figure taking photos with a small disposable camera. The crack is too small for me to look at what they're taking photos of. I then see them grab a pale, limp arm and place it onto a table. It looks like the arm is still attached to the body. I see a large butchers knife raise into the air and then see it slam onto the victim's hand severing 3 fingers. I know that we have who were looking for.

I gesture to James to move out of the way, and then *SLAM*! I kick the door in. I see a face turn my way. I know it's him, the nose gives it away. But before I can even think of saying "FREEZE!" .... I freeze myself. The smell is what hits me first. It's horrendous. I soon find out what the smells coming from. There are 2 young women lying on the floor, clothes torn and tattered. One of them has their lower half of their body missing, with their insides now their outsides. The other one has knife slashes across their chest. I just stand there, my flashlight pointing on Toni Fowler. I just stand there.

James must have noticed that I wasn't doing anything except standing there, so he pushes me out of the way and tackles Toni to the ground, arrests him and shoves him in the back of the police car. I'm still in that shed, taking everything in. I see so many things that make me want to hurl. There are 2 dead women on the floor, fingers in jars, a rotting corpse that makes my nostrils burn. I'm on the verge of vomiting when James puts his hand on my shoulder and suggest that I get the hell out of there.

I let James drive, or should I say, James wouldn't let me drive us back. His reason was because I looked as pale as a ghost and that it looked like I was about to pass out any second now. From what I heard, the ride back to the station was.... terrible to say the least.

Well, for starters, James was right. We were only on the road for a few minutes and then *BAM*! I was out like a light. And as soon as I was unconscious, Toni (the basted) kept on trying to talk to James. James told me that his voice sounded like he smoked a-pack-a-day, not that I'm that surprised. Toni would ask James about me, things like how old I was and if I was supposed to intimidate him when I kicked the shed door down, but James (being the better policeman) just kept on driving.

When all 3 of us got back to the station, James called for backup so he wouldn't be the only one having to deal with the psycho. The rest goes how you would expect it would. They put Toni in a temporary cell, filled out about a million pieces of paperwork, had a quick coffee and then went home at around 5:30 am.

The morning wasn't so bad (except for a nasty headache). I woke up in the same police car and to my surprise, there was a note left by James.

Hey Trooper!

There's bottled water and an asprin in the glove compartment for you. kind of thought you might need it when you wake up.


(oh, and boss said you can have a few days off)

A few days off? Not bad. I take the asprin and it... somewhat gets rid of this bad headache. I get out of the car and quickly go into the office to get my car keys, say 'hi' to my co-workers and get praise from my boss for catching Toni Fowler.

My ruby red Chevrolet Cruze is still parked outside the station. It feels like days since I've seen it, but just yesterday I drove to work in it. My ride back home was odd. I started thinking about what I'm going to do now that Toni 'f***face' Fowler is getting the punishment he deserves. It'll probably be either life in jail/ insane asylum or the death penalty. There's always Janet Loanstan, (Female, 35. Is accused of over 21 cases of kidnapping and child molestation.) but I think I might go back to catching smaller criminals.

It's been 3 weeks since me and James took down Toni Fowler. He didn't have a trial because there was so much solid evidence that he was guilty. He kept on begging for the death penalty but James suggested that he should live with what he's done and so they gave him life in prison. He was only in there for a couple of days before of the inmates killed him. Turns out that Daniel Rocké (the one who killed Toni) had a wife named Annie Kaine. Toni Fowler killed her only 2 months ago and Daniel decided to return the favor.

I decided to take on the Janet Loanstan case. Not because I want to, but because my boss AND James kept on begging me to. But to be honest, I don't think I can stomach it. I still wake up in a cold sweat because of those 2 women I saw in that storage shed and not to mention the fingers in the jars. It really sickens me to think about it. Just typing about it made me gag a little. I suppose it is my fault, I did choose to become a policeman. I should be able to swallow things like this now, shouldn't I?

My co-workers do admire me for not retiring after what I saw, but some of them have seen worse than me. And 37 and retired seems a little stupid. I think the reason I still work as a policeman now-days is probably because of the nickname James gave me.


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