
16 4 1

sergioricogonzalez1: You've been deep in a coma But I stood right here When you thought there was no one I was still right hereYou were scared, but I told you"Open up your eyes"Never stopped being someone Who could love you wellHad to show you the...

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sergioricogonzalez1: You've been deep in a coma
But I stood right here
When you thought there was no one
I was still right here
You were scared, but I told you
"Open up your eyes"
Never stopped being someone
Who could love you well
Had to show you the hard way
Only time will tell
Revelations and heartaches will make you realize
I was always in front of you
So wake up
Your sleeping heart
I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe, my dear
So wake up
Your sleeping heart
And we will dream a dream for us
That no one else can touch, my dear
I'm here
So wake up

Etiquetada: a_navas_16_1

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