I care about everyone, I am the person to put someone else's needs above my own and that hasn't always been the best for me. I've taken care of so many people, I've looked past my own shit not accepting it and in doing that I wasn't really living my life. In the past few days I've learned that I need to take care of myself because you can't just survive in life, you have to live.
Pain, death and sorrow are inevitable but truly living a life that you are proud of is something everyone can strive to do.
I'm not saying everyday is going to be easy you will get hurt, you will feel completely broken, you will feel pain but you will also feel love, you will feel pure bliss and happiness and that is life.
It is your choice to either accept what has happened and continue to go through the motions of everyday life or you can work on making it better. Making a life that you are truly proud to call your own because we as we all know death is inevitable, but it's our life that leaves the mark on the world.Start living for you.