The Reveal

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It was a hideous scaly thing with horns and blood red eyes and its clothes were brown and dirty rags,it grinned a toothy grin then disappeared again,everyone was shaken with fear some of them started to cry.
They got something to eat but none of them had the appetite for it so they sat in boredom and all the phone lines were down so they couldnt make contact with any one and they were all too afraid to go outside cause the thing could get them so thet sat in silence
It was about 10 aclock at night when one of them moved it was Dale he was talking jibberish a few moments ago but he stood up and said he couldn't take it anymore everyone looked at him confused then he bolted for the window and smashed through it everyone was yelling and watching what he was going to do, they saw him run for the fence around the house they thought the thing would get him but it didnt instead he was making his way to the fence, he jumped over it and froze mid way then he was reverted to a puddle of bloody mush which included his bones and all his organs. Mary suddenly started screaming and grabbed the closest weapon which was a fire poker she ran outside with it and screamed 'COME OUT YOU UGLY MOTHERFUCKER IM GOIN TO KILL YOU AAAAHHHH!!!!!' the grotesque shape of the monster appeared out of thin air   it swiped with its clawed hand and took a decent chunk out of Mary but she got a decent hit on the monster stabbing it in the stomach it howled in anger and pain and ripped the fire poker out  of the wound and threw it away then it grabbed Marys jaw and ripped it off then slit her throat with its clawed hand then it disappeared leaving Marys mangled body on the ground.

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