Chapter 4

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Isac and I talked in a long time. ''I'm so tired , i think i'm gonna take a nap,'' I yawned. ''Sweet dreams'' Isac said, ''I will watch a movie.'' He smiled. I leaned against my seat and took a pillow. I imagined me and Isac sleeping together. My head against his chest. I smiled. I fell asleep. I dreamt that I was in Finland and I couldn't meet Isac at his studio because he was in traveling to Mars, in a spaceship, to record some music. Very wierd dream but it felt so real and I got sad. My eyes shut open. I woke up to a screen with Hunger games on it. ''Goodmorning,'' a voice whispered in my ear. Shit. I looked up. I was laying on Isacs shoulder. He must have thought I planned this. I could. ''Oh sorry'' I said and wiped his shoulder. ''Its okay, it was fun'' He smiled at me, I smiled back. ''I hope I didn't snore,'' I said to myself but said it loud instead.

''The plane lands soon,'' My mom told me. No I'm gonna miss Isac so much when we are at the summerhouse. I glanced at him. He watched Hunger games and didn't notice I looked at him. Lucky for me, I'm gonna meet him soon again. The seatbelt sign turned on.

''By the way I love your shirt,'' Isac told me. ''aww thank you so much.'' I took my hair behind my ear. The plane landed and now I'm officially in Finland. We took our hand baggage and leaved the plane.

We got our suitcases at the airport and rolled down the floor. My mom and Isacs dad were talking. Isac did his rolling movie on his suitcase and I singed ''They see me rollin' they hating.'' He laughed. The time ran away. ''Well see you soon again,'' He said. We 'Goodbye hugged.' ''See you!'' We walked away in two directions. I can't wait till we meet again. Two days to go. In the meanwhile we are gonna go to some popular finnish attractions. That's gonna be fun.

We went to the trainstation and took the train down to the summerhouse. The summerhouse was a little cute house made out of tree. I was painted orange and had a little garden too. I got to share room with my mom and my two brothers is sharing a room together. They hate sharing the same room. My room was little with one big bed for two persons. A closet and some cute oldfashion lamps. The whole summerhouse was kinda oldfashion.

I packed all my stuff out and decided to take a walk. ''Mom, I'm gonna go for a walk,'' I told her. ''Okay, be back soon,'' She said. The weather was cold and the wind blowed. I walked on a path and came to a lot of summerhouses. I walked longer and I came to a city. ''Espoo'' It said on a sign. I can't believe we live so close to Espoo.

I ran back to my mom and quick inside the door. My body was shaking. It was so cold outside. ''Mom! I didn't know we live so close to Isacs hometown.'' ''Well,'' My mom said, ''I did some research on Isac and found out that he lives in Espoo.'' She did a proud smile. ''I love you mom.'' I gave her a hug. ''And!'' She said while I hugged her. ''I made an agreement with Frederik and we are going to visit them tomorrow and eat breakfast together.'' ''That sounds great! I love you I love you I love you!''

I went late to bed, it's 23:00, maybe not late it's 22:00 in Denmark. My normal bedtime. The next morning I woke up and walked to the bathroom. I must look like the walking dead. I looked inside the mirror. The only thing I could see was my morning hair and a pimple. ''ugh a pimple, just perfect,'' I groaned. I covered it with some foundation and put on some mascara. Natural look today. I sat on the couch in the living room and watched some tv. ''Goodmorning,'' My brother growled. ''Good perfectly morning,'' I said in a happy voice to tease him.

''Exited,'' my mom came out of her room and asked. ''Super exited.''

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