Lustful glances

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They had just come home from a date. They had lustful looks all night. Very clear glances and signals, sexual innuendos and, seductive smirks. They both wanted each other. The drive, the pull was too much to resist. They were kissing, his hands cupping her cheeks, her hands on the nape of this neck. They pulled each other closer to get more friction. She could feel his rock hard boner on her lower stomach, he could smell her arousal from a mile away. He kissed at the side of her lips, and trailed down to her neck the start of her breasts and she moaned out loud making him groan and excite him further. She was unbuttoning his shirt. His hands slid under her shirt. Slowly to the edge of the lower part of her bra. Next thing you know both their shirts were off. He put his hands on her ass, gave them a squeeze and gave her a nudge, involuntary her legs warpped around his waist and he carried her to bed. The kiss still riveting the both fell on the mattress of the bed, they bounced and she giggled while kissing him and all he did was smile when they were still kissing, he pulled her bra off and had both his hands on them. He gave them a squeeze and she moaned and groaned. All he said was her breasts were so perky and full they fit in his hands perfectly. He put one hand on one breast and the other he slowly licked her nipple and earned another moan from her, she was writhing under him, squirming he knew she wanted more and bit her nipple lightly sucked on them and left it, leaving the echo of a popping sound in the soundless room. He moved on to the other breast and did the same. She had enough of him taking control she smiled and herself and cupped the back of his head kissed him thoroughly and switched positions. She was on top now, she ran her finger tips down his body and felt his dick twich, she could feel it since her core was right above his dick. He put his hands on her tits again, she arched her back and put her head back for a second and then turned down and gave his lips the attention it needed, she ground her groin to his boner her ass giving friction to it too. Dry humping was always fun. She kept grinding until they both couldn't take it anymore, so they both got rid of their clothes. And they were naked, skin to skin. She could feel his dick on her thigh, he needed to taste her like he wanted to taste the nectar that turned to honey by the bees, he wanted to know how sweet she ws, he knew her lips tasted sweet and she was sweet inside out. So he went lower and lower until her reached her nub, he blew on it first, she was sensitive because she put her pussy on his waiting mouth, he French kissed her slowly and then used his tongue swirling and sucking he pinched his fingers on her slit and watched her body hum and react to his assault, she felt pure ecstasy, the feeling was reverberating all through her body, she was high, drunk on the feeling before she knew it she reached the edge and came hard. She looked down and he was already looking at her with a grin on his face, she grinned back too and couldn't ignore his dick standing tall and proud she gripped it in her hands and pumped him and he fell back with a groan, she kept pumping and kissing her way down his stomach and she saw his tip already glistening with juices she licked her lips and, then licked his tip and took him in her mouth. Ignoring her gag reflex she deep throated until he came. Now they were back to kissing tasting the remaints of their juices on their tongues. He positioned his tip near her entrance, he teased her and then slowly went in, both of them were lost. He groaned out loud and she screamed "fuck"she felt full and he, his dick of sheathed like a glove cause her pussy was so tight. He felt it all, and so did she, he was getting harder his dick twitching inside her pussy, her inner walls were tightening they both knew they were close, he kissed her again on her lips, neck, behind her ear, he fastened his pace and slammed into her harder, all you could hear were their ragged breaths and their skin slapping, and her soft moans and his groans when he knew she was close, he whispered come with me, and that's all it took, his hoarse husky voice laced with need and she came hard with screaming his name in his ear, and he groaning out her name came right after. After they found their release. He looked into her eyes and kissed her one more time, still out of breath from climbing up, they were still coming back from their high. They both caught their breaths still in each others arms, he kissed her forehead and he spooned her from behind kissed the back of her neck which was as smooth as silk, and they both drifted off to sleep. Happy and content.

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