The Killer

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She sat on the bar with her drink. Gin and tonic. She was scanning her surroundings and looking for her next prey to taunt to scare and to do even more things. And then she saw the perfect guy he was looking around too for his next victim. He was handsome no doubt but the pretty boys were the worst. But he did have the tall and dark aura around him. And then they're eyes connected he smirked and then we walked over to her and asked if he could buy her a drink she declined saying no let's go out on a date. She lured him in he thought he was playing her but oh boy he was wrong cause two can always play the game. She was three steps ahead of him. So she planned it he came to her. She dressed up like a goddess. Red nailpolish, red lipstick and a red dress short and sexy. He was taken aback. Baffled he still said she looked hot. He didn't hide it. She prepared dinner. And lots of drinks. Her meal was delicious. He tried touching her thigh but she played hard to get. Then they were on the sofa his arm around her shoulder he tried to grab her boob but damn she was faster she had a knife to his throat, she said if he made a soud she'd kill him. And so he didn't. She began her sweet, sweet torture, on the bed enticed him, aroused him, made him beg and she finally slit his throat without mercy and she had her taste of murder. She took him out with his eyes wide open under his nose and he was too naive to see what she was doing. She had no remorse after that just pure pleasure.

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