5 : Stamps

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Ah you answered. It was either by seeing me so you were probably on edge that I was like an old guy pervert or my fun fact. Also, thanks for reading the fact. Usually my friends ignore my facts. If you are a human potato just add the chromosomes up. Which is 94. Suga's Factual Messages : Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

Jimin snickered that Yoongi knew he was joking. Jimin took the sticky note and placed into his notebook. Jimin turned grabbing a pink sticky note as he contemplated what to write.

Well, thanks for the math and for the reminder to not lick an american stamp especially not 10,000 times unless I want to gain 1,000 calories (I did the math). As for your friends, they are missing out on extremely useless but interesting facts. :) - J

Jimin had a small smirk as he placed the note on his neighbor's door. It was getting quite fun, passing notes.

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