Chapter twenty one

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Y/n's P.O.V

I think a lot, I often find it hard to tell weather or not if I'm in my head or out of it, maybe that's just the kind of person I am. I don't know.

"What she asked you to be her girlfriend" Blake ran from my living area where me, her and Camila were talking "we need something to celebrate for this" she yelled from my kitchen making me laugh.

"We really don't, I think Ariana and I done enough celebrating for today" when that statement came out of my mouth it went completely silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop, until the clicking of Blake's heels could be heard "oh y/n you dirty dog" then the realization of my statement came to me "no not like that, I mean we were going to" Blake gasped "but Ariana wanted to wait" "I thought you two went to the carnival tho" Camila finally broke her spell of not talking ever since I mentioned Ariana "we were in her car" I said making Blake gasp once again "you are full of surprises y/n, it feels like I'm getting to know more of you each day we talk about your Ariana" she held a amused smile on her face "she's not mine Blake she's her own person she's not a thing" "okay but you might need to keep her on lockdown" "and why is that" "um I don't know have you seen her, I swear she could turn anyone gay, Mila you have to see her" "hopefully it won't be too soon" Camila said walking out of the room.

Blake gave her an odd look whilst she was leaving "is everything alright with her" she said just above a whisper "as far as I know, I haven't really been talking to her lately" "me either" Blake's phone buzzed taking her attention away from the topic we were talking about, her eyebrows furrowed before she spoke "okay well that just ruined my day" "why" "I have to go to work they're short staffed today and asked me to fill in" "aw I don't want you to go" "trust me I don't want to go either".

Blake started to pack her things and we heard my upstairs toilet being flushed by Camila "hey y/n you should try talking to her,find out what's wrong I'm kinda worried" "I'll try, see you around" "see you around y/n/n".

When Blake left through the front door Camila was back in the sitting room "whatcha wanna do" I said trying to lift this awkward blanket that was wrapped around us "not sure" when she said that it did aggravate me, ever since I started associating myself with Ariana she's been basically giving me the silent treatment or she will just give me short responses, I mean she was never like this when I was with Megan so why when I'm with Ariana.

"What's wrong Camila" she had her gaze fixed on her phone "nothing" "well then if nothing is wrong why have you not been talking to me lately" "I am talking to you right now y/n" I'm starting to hate you Camila, I wish I was with Ariana right now.

I picked up my phone going to text Ariana but Camila's voice interrupted me doing so "there's something not right with her y/n" what do you mean by that "what" "I said there's something not right with her" her phone was now out of her hands and her attention was fully on me "who are you talking about" "Ariana" I laughed when she said that "you don't even know her Camila" "and I'm starting to think neither do you, think about it y/n all the stories you tell me and the girls about how she's always popping up in the right place at the right time bumping into you" "Camila they're just coincidences" "y/n I think a coincidence only happens once not twenty five times" "so what are you trying to say" "I'm not trying to say anything" she stood up abruptly from the couch "I think you are" she sighed "y/n I just think you need to stay away from her" "I'm sorry Camila but I think I can decide who I want to spend time with" "tell me about her" "what" you're really confusing me right now "tell me about Ariana, what does she work as, is she in college, have you even met any of her friends" you do have a point there Camila I'll give you that "Camila just stay out of it" I stood up from my chair to get a glass of water "y/n I can't especially if you want me talking to you again" I'm starting to wish I never asked you to "Camila I'm fine and if something does end up going wrong with Ariana I'll tell you, you don't need to worry about me" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She stepped closer to me backing me up against my counter "I miss all the fun times we had" I knew she would bring this up again, she always does "yeah well everything good or bad has to end" I took my hand away from her shoulder, how can Camila not find someone I mean she is really attractive so I don't know how she struggles, before I could realize what was happening Camila's lips were on mine, I would be lying if I said she still didn't have an effect on me. But she's not Ariana.

I pushed her off me "get out" I said quietly, I thought she respected my decision when I told her we couldn't go on with what we were doing back a few months ago and she has the audacity to try and ruin a relationship I just built with someone who finally treats me right "y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" she reached for my hand but I pulled it back before she could grab ahold of it "I said get out now Camila" I knew she regretted what she had done, I could see it in her eyes when she was walking away from me "I'm sorry" was the last thing she said when she left.

Now I need to think, should I tell Ariana or not because it meant nothing to me, my last relationship was ruined because of lies, I hate lies. Life would be so much easier if everyone just told the truth.

I picked up my phone and started calling Ariana, after the first one she picked up.


"Hey I'm just wondering if you could come over I have something to tell you"

"I'm on my way".

Who do you like more Ariana or Camila 👀

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