The Twink Family

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Tomnyan is watching tv on the couch and Jerry who is sitting next to him, staring at the Yokai Watch Ghoul and replaying the quote that Sparkyu said to him in his head.

"please be careful with your spirit."

"What did she mean by being careful with my spirit...?" Jerry thought.
"Jerry are you ok?" Tomnyan asked.
Jerry snaps out of it and said, "yeah I'm fine..."
"Is it because of Muyobaka?" Tomnyan asked.
"My spirit is fine. Why do you think my spirit is a problem?" Jerry asked.
"Umm, I thought that you gave out of control powers or something..." Tomnyan said as he looked away.

Then without warning, they hear a scream from the different room. Not just an average scream, is a really loud scream that is very disturbing. And is from Twinklnyan. Tomnyan and Jerry ran to the room and saw Twinklnyan screaming while she's on the phone. They both cover their ears from her screaming. As for Sparkles, he wearing earmuffs.

"Listen, Mom! I told you a thousand times to not being my sisters! I know they miss me but they're so annoying!" Twinklnyan yelled.

The phone shouts out in gibberish that makes Twinklnyan move her head out of the phone.

"Ok ok ok see you later!" Twinklnyan hangs up the phone.
She saw Tomnyan and Jerry and starts to know that they saw everything.
"How long you been here?" Twinklnyan asked.
"Uh, when you yelling at someone on the phone.."  Tomnyan replied.
"And why you screaming?" Jerry asked.
"Well you see.. is my secret power... it called Earrape Scream." Twinklnyan explains.
"Earrape scream?" Said Jerry.
"Yeah..." Twinklnyan sighed as she looks down.
"What's wrong?" Tomnyan asked.
"Is my parents... they're coming to visit..." Twinklnyan grumbles.
"Your parents coming to see you? That's great!" Jerry said in glee.
"Is kinda not! My sisters are gonna come with them and they're so annoying!" Twinklnyan shouted.
"They gonna be fine as long they won't bother you," Jerry said as he patting Twinklnyan's head.
The doorbell rang. Twinklnyan walking to the door angrily. Tomnyan and Jerry follow her just in case she didn't do something that is harmful to her family. Twinklnyan opens the door and saw her parents.

They look like Twinklnyan but the mom is dark purple fur, rhubarb color khimar, wearing the Flash t-shirt, a white apron and a skirt with the same color as her khimar and had yellow horns that are lightning shaped.

As for the dad, he's a light brown cat, with a black kufi, had a black beard and mustache but some had some orange on it, wears a green long-sleeve shirt that is long almost going to the ground.

"Oh hey, Mom and Dad I thought you guys are retiring.." Twinklnyan said in an annoyed tone.
"I thought you were in college. But you still in school.." the mom replied with the same tone.
"Ugh whatever what do you want?" Twinklnyan asked.
"Can we just see our girl?" The dad coos at her.
Tomnyan and Jerry giggled and Twinklnyan looks at them ignoring their laughing.
"Guys this is my parents, Lightinyan and Drumnyan." Twinklnyan introduces her parents to them.
"Hi, Twinklnyan's parents! I'm Tomnyan!" Tomnyan introduces himself.
"I'm Jerry." Jerry introduces himself as well.
"Well those are the guys you been working for," Lightinyan said.
"Well, I guess we here to check on you just in case you don't get hurt by them or something." Said Drumnyan
"What!?" Twinklnyan, Tomnyan, and Jerry said in shock.

"Come on we tried to protect you. You know the world is a strange place. For example, your boss told me you making those two have changes in their lives but instead you stuck with a cowboy and Cam-wanna-be from Modern Family." Said Lightinyan as she looks at Tomnyan who's wearing a cowboy hat for some reason and Jerry who had his eyes crossed and his tongue out with a goofy smile.

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