Chapter Four

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Alistair was fully dressed in a custom-tailored suit by the time Sam finally slipped her shoes on. Black strappy ones that went perfectly with the very expensive slinky black dress. She stood and did a little twirl for him. The black made her skin shine her red hair gleam like spun rubies and her green eyes sparkle like emeralds. She was beautiful and she was his.

The council met in another sprawling mansion, this one situated in the middle of town. They gathered as needed. To her it felt like they needed to gather quite often. In truth it was rarely more than four times a year.

On the drive over Alistair flirted mercilessly. She didn't mind his flirtation, they would soon be getting time alone. It was the first time in years that they had been away from home over the day and she planned on making the most of it. Call it a date night. Well, a date night that included meeting a lot of work associates. Maybe not the best date they ever had.

They arrived at a large estate, she didn't find it that impressive. Just another building that was bigger than it had to be. She found the people far more interesting. Everyone was in their finery. The assembly could have passed for a new age gothic black-tie event. The nobles all buzzed around greeting Sam excitedly. It turned out Alistair hadn't lied about them asking after her.

They all seemed keen to meet the woman who had captured the King's heart. It was flattering how they talked about her beauty and poise or when they exclaimed that it was obvious why Alistair had fallen for such an exceptional young woman. The way they all bowed and called him King or sir was unsettling. He seemed all too comfortable with it.

The moment they stepped into the courthouse he had changed. While she was used to him slipping in and out of ridged formal speech patterns she wasn't used to her husband being so detached. The way he addressed his people with cold indifference was unnerving.

Once they settled down to business the atmosphere became more formal. He even had a throne. An honest to goodness throne. A second one was placed beside his, they insisted she sat there. If he was King that made her his Queen. She wasn't sure she wanted to be Queen. She wasn't even sure what it meant to be a Queen.

He had tried to teach her about the intricacies of vampire politics. It was becoming clear that she should have listened more closely before attending a formal meeting. Politics were just as boring as she had expected. The population of areas, what groups were in which territories and whose territories were expanding.

The discussions of what to do about lawbreakers could have been slightly interesting if the broken laws were scandalous. Unfortunately, they consisted of small innocuous things. It did little to hold her attention. They couldn't really expect her to really listen, could they? The whole experience had been overwhelming then fully underwhelming.

Hearing so many speak so openly about eating humans was grating. She had gotten very good at forgetting that the substance she drank every night was human blood. That the man she loved was an ageless being. That she was ageless too.

They spoke of humans like they were food. She still thought of herself as belonging to the human race. She was starting to understand they were from a different time. A time when Kings demanded absolute loyalty and peasants were expendable. She wasn't sure she ever would think that way. Or that she ever wanted to think that way.

When discussions ended they all paid respects to Alistair and to his Queen. Sam was well and truly done faking a smile and trying to look interested while deep darker thoughts passed through her mind.

Her King pulled her close once the last of his subjects left. Whispering in her ear that there were rooms there in the council house his eyes sparkling with devilish thoughts. Finally, the date part of the outing could start. Seeming as candlelit dinners were overrated when all you could consume was blood jumping right into some whispered sweet nothings and maybe a candlelit roll in the sheets sounded pretty good.

The moment he had her securely in a room with doors shut he pulled her close to him. His hands roughly gripping her shoulders he kissed her mouth with a fierce determination that made her back up. His roughness surprised and excited her. He was usually so gentle. She loved a bit of gentle but every once in a while some not so gentle was nice too. Looked like they were heading right into the sheets, whispered sweet nothings be damned.

Breathing heavily he rose from the kiss. "Take this off or I will rip it," he growled deep and sinister buckling her knees. Nodding she obliged and pulled her dress off taking underthings with it. She stood wearing only her high heels.

The sight of her ruby hair against naked milky skin was enough to make his cock twitch. With a growl, he pushed her onto the bed. Her small pert breasts were rising and falling as she panted in her excitement. He didn't think that she would respond as well to the rough treatment but then in his experience, every woman responded well to a man's naked lust.

He had been treating her so very carefully. That night he didn't want to be careful. He didn't want to be gentle nor did he plan to be, the thought brought another growl from his chest. He knew his eyes were turning black with passion as he watched hers darken.

Pulling his clothes from his body he crawled onto bed spooning her from behind. From that close, he could smell her arousal. His need to taste her body hummed in the air. His fist balled into her hair holding it to the side so that he could lick along the curve of her exposed neck.

"Don't bite me," she moaned under his tongue. Despite wanting to he hadn't been planning to bite. She had never let him use his fangs on her and he accepted that. With an impatient grunt, he let her hair go then swiftly turned her onto her back.

He pushed his naked body against hers. Nibbling at her shoulders he made her squirm under him. Lining his body up with her he could feel her wetness. His lips found hers and he kissed her again. That time she could not back away with her head firmly on the mattress. His mouth pushed at hers until the press of his fangs made her whimper and turn her face to the side.

He was treading the line between too hard and just hard enough, it was exciting. The scent of his arousal heavy in the air mixed with her own made her giddy. He was usually very accommodating with her reluctance to feel his fangs but he was pushing the boundaries. After the horror of her creation teeth were frightening.

"Look at me." His voice held a forcefulness that brought heat low in her body. When her shy eyes met him he pushed himself inside her in one long stroke. She was wet enough but the whole length of him so soon before she was fully ready-made her cry out. The sheer surprise and thrill of it bowing her spine. Suddenly she didn't really care where he put his teeth.

Alistair took a moment to admire her beauty as she writhed and gasped beneath him still shivering from the abrupt entry. Ruby curls a bouncing fiery halo and ghostly white skin almost glowing against all that fire. The feel of her hard nipples against his chest punctuated by her heated silken skin.

He grunted and began to take her hard and deep each thrust more desperate than the last. His urgent rhythm took her breath. Sweetly talking or slowly making love was not enough to stop his mind from working. He made himself concentrate solely at the task at hand. He found the spot that made her toes curl then pushed and angled as much of himself as he could over it until she screamed and scratched and rolled her eyes back.

Even when she went limp with satisfaction he kept his pace and his position. Holding her body just where he needed it he could keep going for hours if he desired but it wasn't long before she scrambled under him another orgasm ripping through her.

The sound of her pleasure ringing in his ears and feel of her spasming around him gave him the single-mindedness he needed to forget about his responsibilities. He slowed long enough for her to regain enough control of her body that she could sputter a few words.

"God Alistair I need ah-mm. Need a second," she moaned between ragged breaths. Tenderly kissing her cheeks he untangled himself from her limbs. He could give her a few moments before he took his own pleasure.

"It is my turn," he whispered against her forehead where the curls of her hair stuck to the sweat of her brow. "When you can move, get on your hands and knees."

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