Twin Sin (Short Story)

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In 1956 two, young children were kidnapped from their home, and their parents were brutally murdered. The twin babies were never found.


"Kids come down here and meet your babysitter." Mrs. Stone's tone was stern. 

"Yes ma'am." Little footsteps start tapping down the stairs. 

"Ashley these are the twins, Benny and Bethany." Mrs. Stone ran her fingers through Bethany's golden curls. 

Mr. Stone leaned down to kiss the twins. "Remember what I taught you." He says goodnight with a smirk. 

Ashley started to speak, but gets interrupted by the slamming door. "Ok, bye I guess." Sarcasm rushes through her mouth. 

"Ashley, Ashley can we play hide and seek?" Bethany begs 

"Ok, I'll start. 1,2,3,.. Ready or not, here I come." The babysitter removes her hands from her eyes. 

"I found you!" Ashley points out 30 minutes later. 

"It's your turn to hide." Benny yells with enthusiasm. 

Ashley tiptoed down the creaking steps to the basement. Stepping lightly down the eerie stairs. The cramped space was silent and still, other than the heavy breathing and... slight weeping. She creeps down to look, but the foul smell cause her to recoil. There were no lights other then the moonlight shining through the tiny window. 

As she stumbled down the stairs, she ran into something metal. Cold. Hard. A pretty, blue eyed girl banged on the door of the rusty cage.

"Get out, NOW!" The girl's voice was dry and cracked. 

"Hurry, Benny and Bethany did this to me." The young girl tried to convince Ashley. She was covered in cuts and bruises. She didn't seemed worried about herself as if she already knew that it was too late for her. 

"What about you?" Ashley started crying. She glances behind her. Benny had a baseball bat, and Bethany had a strand of rope. 

Bethany giggled. "We got us a new one. She's a lot prettier than the other one, mommy and daddy will like her." Benny agrees by stroking Ashley's soft face...

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