My mom and I were sitting on the couch watching tv. In my family, I'm the type that gets easily distracted and notices thing a quicker. You will get what I mean in a sec.
Suddenly I hear a noise like a car about to crash. I see two red headlights and then out movie changes to some old movie mad years ago. I go over to the window and I'm shocked to see my own sister saying,"Yes! I did it!"
She ran down the stair from out apartment because she had this type of device where it could change movies or turn on this movie from outside and it could work on anyone's tv.
She ran to the right to our neighbors house.
"Mom, I know how our movie changed." I started saying to her. "How sweetie?" She questioned me.
"Ok well believe me when I say this, but it was Jessie."
She turned off the tv and rubbed her forehead with her hand. "Tell her to get over her." She said to me.
The door handle started to rattle and in came my crazy sister. "Hey mom."
Are you going around and killing people?" She said to my sister. "No, what are you talking about?!"
"Come here." My sister walked over to my mom and my mom held her down and told me to go. I got up, ran outside, and, of course, saw her knife laying down on the frount porch.
I took it and I went inside. I showed it to my mom and she gasped.
"Your seriously killing people?!" She screamed. "I hate you Jaida!!!!" She screamed louder.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the dining room and put the life down. I looked to the right and up and looked through out blinds. They had a huge gap on the middle. Trough the gap I say to yellow headlights.
"MOM! WE HAVE COMPANY!" I yelled at her, running to the kitchen. I looked out the screen door next to the sink that leads to the back porch. I looked to see if I saw her friends.
I looked out the door and saw two glowing, big, red eyes and the shape of the black figures head. Do I quickly knew that we my sister's friend.
I screamed very loudly and ducked down. She fired a bullet but missed me. I crawled over a few steps toward the sink. I grabbed a huge kitchen knife and a slightly smaller one.
I got up and ran to my parents bedroom because my dad was sleeping.
Before I could get there I killed two more of my sister's friends. I opened the door and quickly saw two red eyes again and ducked.
"DAD GET OUT OF BED!" I yelled. I rolled him out of bed and he woke up. "WHAT?!"
He had a shocked look on his face. We both stood up at one of my sister's friends and saw the figure. I ran to he as she held the gun up.I ran to get and kicked the gun out of her hand. My dad ran over and kiched her in the face. I grabbed the gun and shot her in the face. I looked at my dad. "Mom." I said to him. We ran out and into the dining room, next to the living room.
I told my dad I'm in charge now. Told him to put down the gun because I had a plan. We looked around the corner and Jessie, plus her three other friends, were sta ding next to mom. Two on one side, two on the other, my mom in the middle.
"Can I just say one last word?" I asked Jessie. "Make it quick." She said angerly. I looked at my mom and said,"Mom........
duck!!!!!!!" She rolled on the floor and my dad and I went to kill my sister's friends.
My sister fell on the floor and started to back up because she had no weapon.
"You shouldn't have done this Jessie. YoU LITTLE BITCH!" I said as I shot her.
I woke up and looked at my dad next to me. "Dad, I really need to stop falling asleep when your are playing video games." I said to him. "Why?"
"Because then I'll have a dream where my sister and her friends go around killing people." I said as I walked away.