1 - The Letter

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Hermione POV:

"Merlin Pants, Draco!"

Draco turns from his croissant and looks at me with a rather confused look on his face.

"Yes, Love?"

Curses he's even dreamy in the morning, it's rather distracting. I look back to see the Draco i've come to know and love, his signature blonde hair has darkened a bit showing off his chiseled facial features more. You can practically see his muscles straight through his favorite black shirt. But he's also mentally changed since the war, he's so much sweeter and caring than Ron, but there both helplessly jealous. God i'm lucky to be Hermione Malfoy.

"Its my Aunt Laura, she's invited me to the annual Granger Family Reunion!" I exclaimed.

"Um Mione', what's the big deal?'

"Draco, my cousins bullied me every reunion i've been too up until I was 11, I haven't seen any of them since then, but they relentlessly tormented me with names like beaver faced bookworm, bushy haired freak, heck if they knew about the magical world they I bet they would have called me a mudblo- oh you know" I practically yelled.

I could see Draco's eyes darken with protectiveness, I also knew he was about to say something stupid, he started to open his mouth. Here comes the stupidity I think.

"Mione', I know you may think this is stupid," his eyes roll at me

"But i think you should go, use your goddamn gryffindor bravery and show them the amazing beautiful woman you've become. I mean just showing up for a day will prove to them that you are a goddess."

Prove to them, he's right I have definitely changed since first year. My teeth have evened out and are beautifully white. My bushy hair tamed into exquisitely soft brown curls. And my body developed too, I got rather tall and skinnier during 6th year and my breasts have grown considerably.


I'm going to show the Grangers my Gryffindor wild side, I think while smirking. 

Hey everyone Topaz here,

I just wanted to say this is my first fic and im open to any ideas, thoughts and constructive criticism.


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