2 - The Plan

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Hermione P.O.V

I looked at the letter my Aunt Laura sent me with mixed feelings,

Dearest Hermione,

!!!!! YOU ARE INVITED !!!!!!

What: The Granger Family Reunion

When: November 7-14

Where: Zambini Hotel

- The Grangers

I mentally cringe at the cheesy invite that my other Aunt Ida undoubtedly made. One one hand I could really have fun with some of my nicer cousins, but, my twin cousins Jenna and Jessica were always super mean to me. I contemplate if i should go or not, but a certain blonde interrupts me-

"MIONEEEEEEEEEEE'" I hear Draco scream,

"yes" I reply curtly while waling to the kitchen to talk to him.

"I think I have a plan if you still have doubts about your bimbo cousins, you know how the Reunion is being held at Blaise's hotel, I can ask him to throw a ball on the final day and come and we can show off together! " Draco says.

That actually dosent sound half bad, and if its a ball Jenna and Jessica will surely turn up! They love any chance they can get to show off, or even more repusilvely, find a guy for a quick fuck. 

"Ok babe that sounds like a great idea, those twits won't know what hit em, could you owl Blaise while I write my reply?"

I walk up to my home office and scavenge around for a muggle pen and write,

Aunt Laura,

I would be delighted to see you all again, its been such a long time since I've seen you all! I cant wait to meet you at the reunion!



I purposely don't sign my last name so I can surprise them all. 

"Hey Mione" Blaise say ok to the ball! Draco tells me excitedly.

He has a goofy smile on his face, gosh hes so adorable. I love him.


Hey everyone Topaz here,

Thank you so much if your reading and sorry for not updating in a while (;

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