Chapter 1, Part 1 - On a gloomy evening...

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It was a rainy Thursday evening in Camden Town when a curly-haired, tall girl was only 10 minutes away from freedom. Fat raindrops were sliding down the glass door of the laundrette. It was dark already, but the neon sign that stood above the entrance lit the humid air and the water droplets reflected the strong light. Soft jazz music filled the air, mixed with the smell of fabric softener. There was only one elderly woman doing the laundry - she always came in the evening because she was afraid that in case someone else is in the shop other than her, they might steal her clothes. Not like there was anything special about her moth-eaten clothes, but everyone has a mania, right?

The tiled walls were holding Brianna (cause that's the name of the curly-haired lady) back from becoming who she was always meant to be: a rockstar. Luckily she wasn't aware of this yet, so she just kept reading her magazine. You'd think it's good old Cosmopolitan, right? "The urban woman's best friend" was anything but Brianna's friend. "All About Space" - that was what made her heart beat faster. Brianna read every article in the magazine and even took notes. She twisted a lock of hair between her fingers - that was something she'd do while concentrating. She knew it was soon time to lock the door and start to turn the machines off. But damn, that article "At what rate is the universe actually expanding?" was so interesting!
Suddenly a blonde girl entered the laundrette noisily, carrying a whole lot of chaotic energy with herself. She took her leopard-printed raincoat off, got out of her neon green wellington-boots and threw her bag in the corner. Brianna didn't look up from her magazine.
-Sorry, we're closing in 7 minutes.
-I know, you moron, it's me, duh. -the blonde girl answered as she sat on one of the washing machines.
Brianna rolled her eyes and put her magazine down.
-I told you, Regina, I'm not partying with you tonight.
-Of course you are. I set a date for you with Dylan.
Regina (the blondie, duh) always loved to look for guys for Brianna. Which she obviously couldn't stand. But this was something that came with her, and deep down Brianna knew that her friend only wanted to help her. Not like it worked, but at least she tried.
-Who on Earth is Dylan? -asked the brunette, while helping the elderly lady take her clothes out of the drier.
-The guy I told you about? You know, who has a big dick?
The lady's eyes got wide and she looked at Regina as if she was the Devil. She pulled her nightgown out of Brianna's hands and pressed it into her stuffed bag.
-Reg, watch your mouth. It's not his penis anyway that I'm going to be talking to, but his head.
-Sooner or later it will be, and then the size will matter, trust me. -the old lady muttered as she opened her umbrella. She left within a second. Brianna froze.
-She's right. -said Regina, wiggling her eyebrows.
B glared at her and she locked the door of the laundrette. She walked behind the counter, took a sip of her orange juice and got the keys to get the coins out of the washing machines. Meanwhile, a record on the player finished playing its last track.
-He's studying physics, okay? Is that good enough? -the blonde got up, chose a rock record from the shelf and put it on.
The girls had a very similar taste in music. They'd known each other for a very long time, and they'd even written a few songs together. Unfortunately as a duo they weren't as successful as they wished. Brianna even thought about giving up, but Regina didn't let her quit. Becoming a professional musician was the blonde's absolute dream, so she'd even made posters to hang around the campus, looking for a bassist. Oh I guess I forgot to mention that our brunette played the electric guitar and the blondie smashed the drums. So yeah, there's that.
No one ever called them, but they didn't give up. Especially not Reg. Just like she didn't give up on finding Brianna a boyfriend.
-Oh come on babe, you haven't dated anyone since...
-Since Mark, yeah. And I'm good like this. -B cut it short.
Suddenly a girl with long, silky black hair banged on the locked glass door. She had no umbrella or raincoat, only an oversized coat to keep her warm, which the clothes underneath her coat obviously weren't capable of. Her makeup was perfectly done except for her bright red lipstick which had been smudged. She had a frightened expression on her face and she kept banging louder and louder, screaming for help.
-What the actual fuck?! -Brianna quickly picked the keys up, hurried to the door and opened it for the stranger. As soon as she got in the laundrette, she pushed the door closed and Brianna locked it back as the unknown girl was catching her breath.
-Bloody hell, what happened to you, babe? -Regina asked her.
-First off... thank you... so much... for letting me in. Secondly... I'm not your babe, darling.

A/N: The pic is from Pinterest

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