Chapter 9 .

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I gripped my baseball bat tighter in my hands. "Is there anything else you want me to grab from your dorm room?"

"Yes," Grace said. "There are two backpacks at the foot of my bed. Don't grab the red one. That is just for school. Grab the green one."

"What's the green one?" Connor asked from the backseat.

"A 24 hour kit," she said.

"A what kit?" Todd asked.

"You know," she said as she turned so she could face the back seat better. "A kit with extra supplies to last for 24 hours in case of an emergency or disaster."

"Why would you have one of those?" Connor asked completely baffled that she would have anything like that.

"To be prepared," she said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"But why would a college student even think of that?" Connor continued.

"Why wouldn't I?" she asked.

She was just too endearing. I leaned over and kissed her.

Todd and Connor both sighed annoyed in the back.

"You are so whipped," Connor said to me.

"Better than being jealous," I told him pointedly. He frowned at me, but didn't disagree.

"Go on," she told me. I started to open the door, but she grabbed my arm. "Make sure to come back." She leaned in and kissed me again. Her lips were soft and warm. The sudden scream from nearby reminded us of the urgency of the situation and I broke away from the kiss.

I looked out the windows before getting out. There were zombies around, but none directly next to us. I quietly closed the door and opened the back door. Connor looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're coming in with me," I said quietly as I reached in and grabbed his arm to pull him out.

"Why?" he said. "Your girlfriend told you to go in."

"I'm not going in there alone," I said. "We need to watch each other's backs." I closed the passenger door quietly.

Connor's fist closed tightly around the chopping knife he held. He took in a deep breath and nodded at me. There was a moan from my left. The closest zombies were beginning to take notice of us. Several began to run towards us.

"Run," I said quietly. Connor didn't need anymore encouragement. He ran as fast as he could to the dorm doors. I followed closely behind. I could have passed him as I was faster, but I wanted to guard his back. He opened the door and almost ran straight into a female zombie. She tried to grab him, but I pushed him out of the way and swung my bat as hard as I could. Her skull crumbled under the blow and she fell limp to the floor.

Connor had the door closed behind and we were now in the dorm. The zombies outside banged on the door for a few moments, but quickly retreated when they could no longer see or hear us.

I started to lead the way to the stairs, but two female zombies popped up from behind a couch. Both had blood dripping from their mouths and hands. They charged us. I swung my bat hard. It connected to the side of one of the zombie's head and she crumbled to the ground. The other zombie quickly pinned Connor to the wall. Red spit trickled from the corner of her mouth as she tried to chomp Connor's cheek, but he quickly turned his face. He tried to push her back. I grabbed her from behind and pulled her off him. I quickly brought my bat down on her head.

RU in? - 1st novel in the Ruinsaga seriesWhere stories live. Discover now