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It was so dark...

Dark grey skies, buildings crumbled whose only use was protection. It was so cold, and yet scalding all the same. Shock. A gleam of silver protruding from your chest with blue dotting the sides. It's painful, yet you can't feel the pain. But you remember the emotions. The look of shock on those before you. Ones that you think once used to be close friends, but time eventually drifted you apart. Red eyes and a black visor the only ones to be etched into your memory. Memories that are yours and yet you can't remember them. It feels real and fake all at the same time, but it feels like these memories past were the only things keeping you connected to yourself. Fear. It's cold, but not in the physical way. A cold that spread throughout your nerves and into your brain, telling you that this shouldn't have happened. You were supposed to be safe and yet you are collapsing to the ground as the silver vanishes from your sight. You feel the ground as it hits your knees, and it all fades to black.

You startle awake, feeling the blankets tangle around your legs and slowly starting to ground you back into reality. Those dreams are always so absurd, but they always come back. You've tried everything to get rid of them and yet they burn themselves into your memory and refuse to let go. It just causes more emotions than you'd like to handle. They feel like your memories and yet you know they are not. But no matter, why worry about them when the only thing they will cause is stress. They'll slowly fade until the next dream, and you are fine with it. It was still dark out, with only a bit of moonlight fading into your room through the curtains. You know sleep will be futile at this point, so the best option right now is to try and calm down your body to hopefully entice it into going back to bed. 

Dragging yourself out of your sleep-induced stupor you head down into your kitchen, preparing some water before grabbing out a particular favorite drink of yours. After you prepped your cup, you hopped onto the counter and waited for the water to start boiling. The night was always a favorite of yours, it reminded you of late-night talks and long conversations of minimal and meaningful subjects. Those people are long gone, but the memories are still just as pleasant. The kettle whistled with a light whisper, telling that it needs to be taken off soon so as not to wake the others. Adding in the hot water you sit down in your favorite chair, waiting for it to cool down to the appropriate temperature. You can already feel your eyelids start to droop as the warmth of the cup seeps into your body, erasing all the tension in your body from the dream. You slowly doze off with the water in your cup still hot...

... your body is being shaken, speaking a thousand words of one who remains silent. You can feel the warmth running down your body, mind telling you something is wrong and yet you choose to ignore it. The fingers that run down your face are long and slender, tracing over parts of your body that you know aren't apart of you. But yet they also feel like they belong to you. A blank visor is staring at you, and you are able to faintly see the reflection of blue running down a vague shape. Is that blood? Why is it blue? You can tell that are systems shutting down, and yet all you can focus on is the figure before you, providing a comforting and yet saddening atmosphere. You feel emotions that convey a special connection to those in your dream, and yet you can never remember why. It feels like hurt from actions, pain of losing close bonds, and worry. What you are worrying about you can never remember. But it doesn't matter, because they are here and that is all you need before you go to an eternal slumber...

It was morning by the time you woke up, with the sun yelling into your eyes that you shouldn't be here. Finally pulling yourself awake you realize how late it is and start to panic. Your boss was going to kill you. You have been getting in quite a bit of trouble due to dozing off at work, and if you are late, you are sure that your boss will terminate you. Then it strikes you. You can call in sick. You've been saving up your sick days for absolute emergencies, but at this point this could be considered an emergency. You grab your phone and dial your job, hoping that they would understand. 

"Hello, this is Bio Corporations, how may we help you?"

You let go of the breath you were holding and explained that you would not be able to make it into work today. With a final confirmation of your usage of a sick day, you hung up the phone and melted back into your chair. It had been a long while since you last had a self-induced break, so it was like an intense release of stress had happened. 

Since you rarely took a day off, you realize that you didn't know what to do with your free time. Your usual hobby felt like it would result in a lot of frustration, so you ended up choosing to groom your two companions. These 2 have been with you since the very beginning, helping you out through thick and thin. And yet they still hated to cooperate on grooming days. It was a struggle to get them to bathe at your will, so most of the time you would allow them to just hop into the water on their own before trapping them and forcefully washing them. This usually resulted in one needing constant reassurance and the other giving you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. But no matter, it still needed to be done.


They were finally clean. It had taken forever to wash them properly, but it was so worth it seeing their coats shine. Winter was currently happy with her returned fluffy glory, while Lunar was pouting off in the corner that she had to be doused in such cold water. You chuckle at the small, disgruntled chirps of Lunar but decide to leave her alone to be discontent. 

You were perfectly content with doing such gratifying small work, but sadly it felt like there was nothing else of value to do. You glanced around the house, looking for something to do until a small pamphlet on your counter caught your eye. It was a nature walk, one that had opened up recently due to the path being finally cleared of the trees from last week's storm. You had missed going up it, so you were rather happy when the opportunity presented itself. You gathered up some simple items such as your walking stick and some food and water, before setting off in your car to go back to the forest.

The car ride was nice and quiet, with your music playing in the background. Hopping out of the car and smelling the fresh pine brought back the contentment that came along with being in the forest and allowed you to properly shift your mind away from life's chores. It didn't entirely, but it certainly helped you organize your thoughts. As you started down the trail, your mind drifted to a variety of ideas, but eventually always came back to the wonders of nature. It was often something in the back of your mind, wondering how everything worked together so seamlessly. Along the way, you took note of the streams and the best places to soak your clothing to help keep you cool. 

You were just wringing out your clothing of the extra pound of water added before a loud boom reverberated through the ground. Something wasn't right. Something was here, and it was dangerous. There were now two options. Run, or investigate. Running would provide the best chance for physical security, while investigating would provide mental security. 

You decided that the latter was better due to the sheer amount of mental exhaustion you've been dealing with. As you trudged through the forest the clangs and the bangs continued, getting louder and louder before you were introduced to a wide field. It looked gorgeous, but the only issue was that there were currently two giant life forms duking it out on said field. Neither had taken notice of you and seemed to be fighting over a large container on the far side of the field. It looked almost alien, but the carvings and the colors pulled you towards it. Now you were starting to realize that this was not going to be protecting your mental security. As you tried to slowly back away, the one on the left took notice of your presence. You hadn't taken the time to look at their frame, but with the purple trailing up their sides you started to realize that you had probably gained the wrong one's attention. 

With the obvious shift in attention the other one looked over, their blue pupils seemingly shrinking as they take in the new factor. They quickly toss the other life form before running towards you, prompting you to dash in the other direction. You weren't fast enough, being swept into their large hands before a long string of beeps is issued. You don't register what they are saying, rather paying more attention to the strong grip on your body that was slowly tightening. They continued to run, opting to get you instead of the perceived object of importance. This quickly prompted the other to give chase, resulting in your brain being sloshed around in the most unpleasant of ways. Eventually a large swirl of colors form before you, and you are taken into what is probably going to screw up your life forever. But for now, you only have one question. Who was that other life form, and why did they look so familiar?


Guess who's back.

I was Left Behind (Soundwave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now