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                  I was laying on Youngjae's lap when there was a heavy knock on the door. "I'll get the door." I said. Youngjae's eyes turned red then blue then gray. "Y/n don't touch the door." He sai quickly before i opened it. "What's wrong." I asked him. He got up and grabbed my hand pulling me away from the door. Who ever was on the other side of the door started banging on it..hard. "Open up Youngjae we know you're in there!!! You can't hide anymore!!!! Neither can you run!!" the man yelled. "I can't believe their back, how did they find me." Youngjae mumbled. Youngjae pulled me into his room and looked at me. "Y/n whatever you do don't come out the room." He said. Before i could say anything he closed the door. "Youngjae!!!" I screamed banging on the door, i tried to open the door but it was locked. I tried to unlock it but it stayed lock.

Youngjae POV

       I locked y/n in the room keeping it locked. The door then got busted down. "Youngjae!!!!!" GD yelled at me. "You're coming with us." He said grabbing my arm. "Fuck no!!" I yelled and zapped his body. "Ah- ok I'll have to shut you down." He said and pulled out a machine looking gun. "Shit!" I started running towards the hall till I felt a strong hurting pain in my body. I fell to my knees in pain. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh- What- is this!" I screamed. I started to feel really weak. " I warned you Youngjae, I want your powers and I will get them." GD said. All of a sudden all I saw was black.

End of Youngjae POV

        Then it got quiet. "Youngjae! Youngjae!" I yelled as tears slid down my face. "Someone else is here." The man said and started walking towards the door. I ran into the closet and closed the door. The door got busted down and i closed my eyes tightly. "Come out girl, i know you're in here." the man whispered. Suddenly the opened the closet and pulled me out. "Ahh!" i screamed as i was pulled. "Stupid girl!" he yelled. He then put a cloth against my mouth. "Ahh!!" I screamed as i struggled under his hold, soon I gave up letting the black take over...

3rd person POV

        GD felt the girl go limp in his arms and carried her over his shoulders. "Taeyang, Daesung grab the boy, I got the girl.." He said and walked out the apartment and walking to the van. He put the girl in the back of the van, as Taeyang and Daesung brought youngjae and put him in the back also. They hoped in the van and drove off. What they didn't know was someone was watching the whole time.

End of 3rd person POV

Changbin POV

              I was hanging with my friends when my phone rang. I looked at it to see my mom calling me. "Who is it." Hyunjin asked me. "Eomma.." i said and answered the phone. "Changbin..." she said, but I could tell she was crying. "Eomma what's wrong." i asked her and she started to sob harder. "Changbin.." she said again. "Mom say it you're scaring me." I said softly as the guys started to look at me. "Changbin, Youngjae and Y/n were kidnapped." she said and i dropped my phone. "Changbin what's wrong." Bangchan asked. Han picked up the phone and asked eomma what happened. "Y/n and Youngjae were kidnapped?" he said shocked. "What y/n!" Felix yelled. I started to feel really light headed. No... No hy/n she can't be... no...

End of Changbin POV

Woojin POV

I looked at Changbin and He looked out the wits. "Changbin.." I said softly but he didn't hear me. "Changbin!" I yelled and he looked at me. "Y-yeah." he said softly. " Are you ok.." I asked him and he looked at me. "I-I'm just feeling little light headed." he said stood up. "I just need some water.." He added and started to walk the kitchen, he then collapsed on the floor. "Changbin!" Jeongjin yelled as we all ran over to him...

Inhuman Youngjae ff Got7Where stories live. Discover now