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     Baekhyun was laying alone his hospital bed, connected to an IV. He was pale, nearly blending with the color of the sheets. He had been asleep for a little over 24 hours now, his soft lips parted in a way that made him look lifeless. The only signs of life that came from him were his little pants and steady heart beat. 

     But at last, his eyes fluttered open. He blinked eyes, trying to adjust them to the light, shielding his face. He whimpered, hesitantly removing his hands from his face, seeing nothing but pure white, other than the small blue chairs against the wall.

     He pulled himself up, looking around...

     nobody was there with him...

      A wave of panic surged over him and he started breathing heavily. He pressed the button for the nurse, trembling at this point. 

     "Baekhyun! You're u-"

     "Where are they?!" he asks in panic, tears staining his rosy cheeks already.

     "Baekhyun, visiting hours are over, they can't be in he-"

     "Where. Are. They?" he asks more seriously. 

     She sighs, the doctor already coming in, frowning at him.

     "They're in the waiting room, they refused to leave. Now, let's run some te-"

     Baekhyun yanked the IV out of his arm and jumped up, pushing the passed the two. He ignored everyone shouts and sprinted down the hallway. He was able to slip passed anyone who tried to grab at him.

     Being tiny really benefited him now.

     He threw the two large doors open, with a loud thud. 

     Just like the doctor had said, all eleven of them were in the lobby, seeming tired. But that all went away when they saw Baekhyun. They all got up fast, Baekhyun latching onto the first person in his reach which ended up being Kyungsoo.

      Kyungsoo's eyes widened a little, Baekhyun's sudden pounce causing him to stumble. He hugged back the nonetheless, rubbing his back.

     The doctor finally entered, breathing heavily. 

     "Oh my god!.... he's so fast!" he panted. 

     Baekhyun held tighter, hiding his face in Kyungsoo's neck.

     "What the- Baekhyun did you run from the doctor?!" Chanyeol asked.

     He nods, not opening his eyes.

     Jongdae rubbed his back.

     "Baek... come on, you gotta go back with the doctor" he tried to reason with him.

     "No! Not alone!" he cried.

     Junmyeon sighed and looked at the doctor. 

     "Could someone go with him?" he asked hopefully.

     The doctor nods. 

     "Who do you wanna go with you?" Junmyeon asks.

     "SooSoo!" he shouts.

     Kyungsoo was quite shocked again but obliged. 

     They went to the hospital room and the doctor put the IV in again. 

     Kyungsoo sat with him, waiting patiently while the doctor ran some tests.

     "Okay, looks like he's all good" the doctor clarified "Give me... maybe an hour to put some things in and he'll be all set"

     "Okay, thank you. Can the others come now?" Kyungsoo asked politely.

     "Of course the-"

     "i want a little bit of time with SooSoo first" Baekhyun cut him off.

     The doctor nodded.

     "When we're done, i'll just send SooSoo to get them" he said.

     "Okay then" the doctor smiled,

     He left the room, giving them their time alone. 

     "So... why me?" Kyungsoo asked. 

     "What do you mean?" Baekhyun questioned. 

     "Well... it's always the others taking care of you... i just kinda thought you woulda wanted one of them..." he explained, sounding a little sad.

     "Exactly" Baekhyun cuddled into his side "I wanna get to know you better... you're so quite"

     Kyungsoo looked at him, not saying anything. 

     "Besides, just cause we don't talk much doesn't make you any less important to me" he added.

     Kyungsoo couldn't help but smile a little. Baekhyun smiles too, holding his right cheek, planting a kiss on the left one. 

     Kyungsoo felt his cheeks begin to burn up. He cleared his throat, looking away to recollect himself. 

     "So~ What kinda things do you like to do?" he asked, leaning on his shoulder.

     "Well... I cook... and I sing.. that's about it" he replies.

     Baekhyun gasped, his eyes lighting up "Really?! Can you sing for me?!" 

     "W-What?! No! I-"

     "C'mon!~ Why not?!" he whined.

     "I-I just.. I'm not that good! Definitely not as good as you or Jongdae" he said.

     "Bullshit!" Baekhyun shouted. 

     "Language! Besides! How would you know?! You've never even heard me sing before!" Kyungsoo shouts. 

     Baekhyun let's out a 'hmph!' crossing his arms with a pout.

     Kyungsoo glances at him a sighs, Baekhyun refusing to look at him. 

     ... but then... Baekhyun hears a soft voice, singing a song in english...

     He was quite taken aback, slowly turning back to Kyungsoo. The boy had his eyes closed, singing his heart out.

(song vvvv)

     Kyungsoo finished glancing at him for a second. 

     "See, I told I wasn't that-"

     He was cut off by Baekhyun's lips.

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