Chapter 1

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This is a story I had in my head for a while, what if Naruto was chased into the forest of death at a young age and discovered something, something powerful. Something ancient yet more advanced than his time. Something big. Along with another surprise.

Chapter 1

“Get back here, demon!” a drunk man in a mob yelled with many others in the mob doing the same as they chased a young 5-year-old boy with blond hair, dark ocean blue eyes that are terrified, six whisker marks, three on each cheek.

He had a small, malnourished body from all the mistreatment he received over the years. The clothes he’s wearing was a simple white t-shirt with a red flame symbol on the front a red swirl on the back, he was wearing black shorts along with black shoes.

He kept running as fast as his legs could take him, before he entered a forest at the edge of the village, making the villagers stop as well as they knew what the forest was.

“That demon's dead now for sure, no way can it survive in there.” a citizen said as the cheered loudly in the night before they were silenced by being knocked out by Anbu and taken to Ibiki by the order of the Hokage, who stood behind the mob with a glare directed at them with killing intent.

“Snake.” Hiruzen said, causing a female Anbu with purple hair in a spiky ponytail to appear before him, kneeling.

“Go into the forest of death and find Naruto." Hiruzen said with a commanding voice that has some worry hidden in his tone, making the Anbu nod her head before she leaped into the trees and took off into the forest.


Naruto panted as he continued running as fast as he could, moving to the sides to avoid running into the tree's as he ran.

He looked behind him to see if any of the mob were still after him, but to his relief, they weren't.

But his relief was short lived when the adrenaline that was pumping through him went away, finally letting him notice his injuries he obtained before he got away from the mob.

Both his arms and legs are fractured and being used to the extreme like he was doing, about to break. His left hand was broken in six places, his ribs were bruised, fractured and broken. He was also pretty sure he had some internal bleeding from where he was hit by some chuunin in the mob since he was feeling an immense amount of pain.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran into a large cave opening that goes deeper into the ground at a sharp angle. He was sent tumbling rapidly, crying out in pain as he hit many sharp and blunt rocks as he fell deeper and deeper into the cave.

After what felt like hours, when really it was minutes, he finally tumbled out of the cave and landed on something hard and smooth. Before he could think what he was on he started to slide downward, Naruto started panicking and tried to get a grip, but his hands kept slipping and were numb.

As he was sliding, Naruto looked around quickly looked around to see anything he could grab onto, but what he saw were 2 giant statues, one on either side of the thing he's on, which he was guessing was another statue.

He fell off what he was expected to be the head with a weak scream of fear, as he fell he could have sworn he saw a faint glow of cyan from what he was guessing the eyes of the statue for a brief moment before the glow was gone, he then heard a weird sound below him before he landed in a seat that had comfy padding, making his landing less painful.

Before he could try to get out, a cover materialized over the open spot he was in, trapping him inside. He tried to get up, but his injuries finally caught up to him as he started to black out.

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