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            Marinette was super excited. She was going on vacation next week... WITH A FRIEND OF HER CHOICE! She practically flew to school, excited to ask Alya to go with her. "Girl of course I would love to go, but I have family coming the next few weeks..." Alya replied. Marinette, slightly sad, blinked and said it was no biggie;she could always ask one of the other girls! Relieved Mari understood, Alya hugged her best friend. "Thanks Mari! I'm so sorry, really." Once again Mari said "It's fine."

She expected that at least me of her friends would be able to go with her, but they all seemed busy in someway or got travel sickness. By the end of the day only one person was left...Adrien. Marinette fretted about whether or not she should ask him, but it turned out she didn't need to.

At the end of the day, as Mari stood there fretting while waiting for Alya to come out, Adrien approached her saying "Hey! Marinette! I heard you were gonna go on vacation with your family and a friend!"
             "Y-yeah! Am I! I-I mean! I-I am!"
'That little stammer is so cute!' Adrien thought. "C-could I go with you?"
             Marinette's eyes flew wide open and her mouth hung slightly open, looking for something to say. A carnation colored blush bloomed across her face. "I, er, well, ummm...dad okay would? I-I MEAN! Would your dad be okay with it?"

That's right! He would have to get his father's permission... he was so excited about the possibility of going somewhere with her. 'Just as a friend, of course...' "I'm sure I can get Nathalie to put it in my schedule and I don't have any modeling stuff to do in the next few weeks, if it's in that time frame."

"O-ok! Sure! Ya! Parents I'll with check!" Adrien, the poor, sweet cinnamon roll he is, looked at the flustered girl confused. "Uhhh! I MEAN... I'll check with my p-parents!" Mari stuttered, smiling awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head.

"Alright!" He said just as the Gorilla honked the car horn. He looked at the car, then back at Marinette, who was staring back at the school doors. After a slight moments hesitation, he tapped her shoulder softly.

Mari, who had assumed Adrien had already left, jumped 10 feet in the air. A startled squeal escaped her lips as she tried to regain balance. Mari, who had also assumed this was Alya's doing, turned around, the lecture for her best friend just escaping her lips and went wide eyed. "OMGI'MSOSORRYITHOUGHTYOUWERE ALYA!" Mari exclaimed trying not to flush in embarrassment. Unsuccessfully. Her face flushed a deep crimson as she tried to explain that she thought he was Alya trying to scare her.

Adrien smiled at her, her flushed cheeks making her look adorable. "Sorry, I thought you knew I was still here." he said in a way that was not sad or unkind in any way. "I was just thinking... I don't think I could ask my father about it on my own. Will you come with me? Please?" Adrien looked at Marinette with a sad kitten look in his eyes.
                "Alright petite chaton,I'll go with you." She then realized what she just said and smacked her hand over her mouth. Adrien's face turned the same color as a cherry.
               "Wh-what?..." he asked, slightly dazed, with a small confused smile slightly playing on his lips.
               500% embarrassed Mari started stammering, "W-well y-you looked l-like a sad kitten a-and..." she was cut off by Adrien.

"It's alright Mari." The blush that he had initially felt when she called him a chaton flared up again like a fire, but this time it was more of a cherry blossom color. "B-but you'll actually come with me?"
               "Of course!"
               "Adri-kins! Where are you?!"
               "Hurry." Adrien muttered as he ushered Mari into the car. As soon as the door was shut, the car lurched forward. Both Adrien and Marinette wobbled uneasily before finally sitting down.

Hey it's me again! I actually started this on a different device, like, a year ago. Anyways, just thought I should bring it to Wattpad cuz why not? Let me know in the comments if you have questions or if you like it! Bye!

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