Chapter 5

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After planning everything with Haekee I walked back home it was getting dark fast too.
I continued walking and sometimes running or jogging I turned some ways I finally reached my street
I rushed to my house and slammed open the door and saw my mom with the babies

"I'm here!" I said exhausted 

The babies saw me and smiled very widely that It looked like their cheeks were about to fall off

"Welcome back Shin" my mom greeted me

"Hello mom!"

I ran to grab the babies they sure missed me a lot

"Hello my darlings!" My mom rolled her eyes, I ignored her and continued playing with them

"Mom are we free next week?"


"Because the girls and I are meeting up here at our house"

MY mom rolled her eyes again and sighed "Yes we are free"

Shinjae was internally jumping she couldn't wait for the day to come.

(Short episode cuz I don't know what to write)

BABYSITTING BABY BANGTAN? (uncontinued)Where stories live. Discover now