A long time ago, in old mansion there lived an old couple. They invited their grandchilds to accompany them for a weeks. Their grandchilds is Reva, Ernest, and Lily. Reva was 18th years old, she was the eldest child. Ernest was 15th years old, he was the middle child. Then, Lily was 6th years old, she was the youngest child.
A morning day, the grandchilds arrived in the mansion. They run to their grandfather and grandmother then their were hug each other. After that, they breakfast together.After breakfast, the grandchilds went to garden in the behind the mansion. They played hide and seek in there. Reva was the hunter while Ernest and Lily was not hunter. Reva started to searched Ernest and Lily but she not found them. She was worried about them because she didn't found them.
Different from Reva, Ernest and Lily hide in a big tree. In behind a big tree there was a door. They opened the door and agree to hide in there so Reva didn't found them soon and easily. When they entered in the door, they was rolling and falling down. And then they stand up, they relized that the place is a play ground. They felt confuse. They started to closer the play ground and play until forget the time. Meanwhile, Reva was very worried about Ernest and Lily. She was searching them until in the mansion like a crazy people but she didn't found them.
In the mansion, Reva asked the grandfather and grandmother if they saw Ernest and Lily or didn't. The grandfather and grandmother were afraid how if their grandchild were lost and their not losing their grandchild. So, Reva, grandfather and grandmother were searching Ernest and Lily in the garden because they played in there a few hours ago.
After long time tried to find them, grandfather remembered about the secret door, si they went there behind the big tree. Grandfather opened the door and find Ernest and Lily was fainted. They felt happy because the grandchild was found. And then, they back to the mansion to dinner together. At dinner, Ernest and Lily was telling about their experience inside the door. They found a beautiful play ground. They played in there. Suddenly, they woke up in the badroom. the grandfather and grandmother telling if the door was a secret door to their grandchilds. And the grandchilds was shock and want to know more information about that. So, the grandfather telling about the secret door. The secret was a magicdoor, it can made us to went to what we want. Grandfather and grandmother also tell them to don't be careless and always be careful with a new thing.
The Secret Door
FantasyAisy Ghina Fadhilah Eldiana Rully Arsetyani Meliana Sekar Tanjung Perwitasari Naufal Rifkiananto