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In life, there were things that we didn't expect to happen but just happened. We didn't plan it, we didn't look for it and we didn't wait for it.

We often misunderstood what was happening around us when something came unexpectedly. We thought that it was God's plan but sometimes it was a temptation just to test us.

We confused ourselves because we thought that we could take control of everything. Well, the only thing we could have taken control of is our minds and our heart.

It usually happened when we experience something for the first time or something new in our life. Like we could all experience falling in love. It could be exciting or even exhilarating and it could change the way you see things. But over time, those feelings might settle into something that feels a little different. We confused ourselves, our minds filled with curiosity. There were questions like, is he/she the one? Or like, is he/she worthy of the love that I can give?

Here is the story of two persons who fell in love with each other unexpectedly. The one who's inexperienced about being in a relationship, who wanted to try something new to find the real happiness in his life because of his past toxic relationship with his ex, and the other one who's never been into a relationship yet, because she wanted to wait for 'the one'.

There was a man named Rainbow. Rainbow lost himself so he had to find it. And while finding it, he noticed a very quiet young lady named Flower.

Rainbow had talked to Flower but Flower was very shy. Rainbow did not quit so he kept talking and asking a lot of things about Flower. Rainbow made Flower so special. Until one day, Flower gave her a smile to him and slowly gave Rainbow a chance to be her friend.

Flower slowly opened up herself to Rainbow. Rainbow was very happy at that time. They became more than friends but less than lovers. They didn't care about all the things around them. They just wanted to go with the flow. They made promises to each other. They made plans for their future.

One day, Rainbow had to leave Flower for some important reasons. Flower was very lonely at that time. She thought that Rainbow would always be there for her but he left her.

One day, the storm came. Flower was crying when the storm began to destroy the place where she lived. She got hurt by the storm. She saw only one color, and it was dark. She was looking for the colors she had seen when Rainbow came into her life but there were none.

Flower was waiting for Rainbow to protect her but Rainbow didn't come. Flower became weak because she was so hopeless at that time until one day, Flower fainted. Nobody knew when she would wake up at that moment.

Rainbow did not know how much Flower wanted him back at that time. Flower kept on waiting for him to come back even though Flower didn't know exactly when it would be. Flower wanted to be strong but the storm did not stop until the storm destroyed everything.

Flower badly needed the help of Rainbow at that time because she thought that only Rainbow could save her, but he was not there.

Flower's face paled even more. She was in a difficult situation, she didn't know if Rainbow could restore her life, if he could put back her color again, or if Rainbow could do it earlier because something worse could have happened to her.

One day, Flower woke up feeling worthless because at that time when she slowly opened her eyes, she was expecting that Rainbow would show up but it didn't happen. She started crying while feeling hopeless.

Flower didn't know where Rainbow was. She didn't know why Rainbow didn't come back or if he would come back again. There were so many questions in her mind.

She was asking herself if she deserved all of that. She wanted to know what she did wrong to him for her to suffer like that.

The storm wasn't there anymore but the damages caused by the storm were still there. Eventually, Flower recovered from it. She became strong again.

Flower continued her life while waiting for Rainbow to come back again because she knew to herself that she did not do anything wrong to him so she smiled again and at the same time hoped that they would be happy together again.

She tried to think positively. She gained more patience. She just waited for Rainbow to come back again.

Until one day, Rainbow sent her a letter telling her that, "there is nothing to wait for and nothing to hope for". Flower tried to read it again and again until she realized what's the meaning of that message.

She couldn't believe that. She thought that Rainbow was just joking, but he wasn't. She wanted to go near where Rainbow was, but she couldn't. It's too far from where she was at that time. She did not know how to go there. If Rainbow really wanted to see her and talk to her, then he would find his way to do it.

Flower was just crying. She expected a lot from Rainbow. She waited for him. She believed in him. She wanted to fight her love for him, but how? He wasn't even there for her.

Flower wanted to hear his explanation and his reason why there was that kind of message from him, but Rainbow didn't want to come back again.

Flower was so hopeless, she wished that she didn't wake up at the time she fainted but there she was, still breathing but suffering. What Rainbow did to Flower was worse than what the storm did to her.

Flower didn't really know how to recover from what Rainbow did to her. She gave her heart a chance to love for the first time. Rainbow knew what Flower had been through in her life. She trusted him. She didn't pretend to him. She tried to accept who he was. She tried to understand what he was. She did love him because Rainbow made her special. She never knew that life could be that exciting, but it just ended with that letter.

He was the one asking her to be strong before he left because he felt that a storm might come her way while he was far away, but he was the one who gave up first. And what really hurt the most was, it's when he already said that there was nothing to wait for and nothing to hope for, but there she was, still waiting and hoping.

Rainbow taught Flower to love him but he just broke her heart. She thought that Rainbow was a kind-hearted person but why it was so easy for him to hurt her at that moment? Did he still love her? Or should I ask, did he really love her?

Flower wanted Rainbow to be fair to her. She wanted to know the answers and he was the only one who could answer that questions. Flower didn't deserve to be treated like that.

Flower couldn't accept that it just ended with that letter. She read it again not to hurt herself but to feel if he really meant it. For her, it was just a letter, a letter without emotions that's why she wanted to talk to Rainbow personally at that time, but sadly, he didn't want to see Flower anymore.

Flower wanted Rainbow to talk to her face to face like they used to do. She wanted to hear it from him if he really meant it, but Rainbow didn't even try how to make it possible.

Flower just wanted to accept the truth and moved on, but it was not that easy for her. She became weak again. How could Rainbow restore her life if there was no Rainbow anymore? Flower thought that she was the one for Rainbow but she was wrong because Rainbow left her.

Two weeks later, Flower woke up with a smile. No rainbow but there was the sun. She could still remember her dream that night. She was walking in a place while finding herself. She wanted to see a rainbow but there was no rainbow but there was the sun. She sat down on the bench there while looking at the sun but still waiting for the rainbow to show up. After a while, the rainbow showed up but was slowly covered by the gray clouds, and then the rainbow disappeared while the sun was still there. The rainbow showed up again but was covered again by the gray clouds while the sun was still there. Flower started to think and then realized something in life. She waited for the rainbow and then there was the rainbow, but after a few minutes, the rainbow disappeared while the sun was still there. There were things you waited to come and then just left you that easy but there was also one thing you didn't expect to see but stayed with you every day.

That dream. Flower realized that there were so many good things in life. We just have to appreciate what or who was left for us and who stayed with us. No rainbow but there was the sun. Flower realized that you would never feel alone if you could just appreciate that there's one thing in life that would always stay with us, it's FAITH IN GOD.

All people can leave you alone and the time will come that maybe nothing's left to you but God is still there for you. Only Him can never leave you.

Sun gives us light every day. The sun is a source of light and energy for flowers (plants). That's how important the sun is to flowers.

Flower felt so strong again. She didn't care anymore if Rainbow would return to see her again or not. She just wanted to go on with her life. She just wanted to be happy again even without Rainbow. Rainbow is Rainbow. He would come back if he really wanted to.

Flower started to live a positive life even without Rainbow. Flower stopped waiting, hoping, and fighting for Rainbow. She just wanted to leave it all to God because everything happens in His perfect time. Maybe Rainbow wasn't for Flower.

Flower version 2.0 Braver. Smarter. Stronger.

In life, there were also things we have expected to happen, things we have wished and prayed to happen, but sometimes, didn't happen.

God had his reasons why it didn't happen. Maybe because it was not yet the right time, or maybe because it was not good for you.

Some people couldn't wait for the right time so they made wrong decisions in life because they were in a hurry. We have to learn to wait for the right time because God only prepares what's best for us so we have to wait for it patiently.

If there is love, go fight for it, but if there's no more love, just quit. Learn to love yourself first because, at the end of the day, you're the only one who's responsible for yourself, only you.

Love is worth fighting for, only if the feeling is mutual but if it's not mutual anymore, just set him/ her free and move on. There are so many men/ women here in this world, not only him/ her. Maybe he or she is not yet 'the one' for you. Or if he/ she is the one for you, maybe it's not yet the right time.

It always takes time to experience true love. Don't look for it because it will just come at the perfect time. You just have to learn to wait because whatever happens, if you're really meant for each other, God will find his way for you to be together.

No one knows what will happen. For now, just go on with your life and let God move. Sabi nga, if you are single daw, SEIZE THE MOMENT! Have this season in your life when you are determined to date only JESUS.

Hindi lahat nang dumarating ay para sa'yo.
Hindi lahat ng umaalis ay bumabalik. At hindi lahat ng bumabalik ay may babalikan pa.

God bless us :)


I was that innocent lady who fell in love with a man who made her special at that time. I trusted him because my mind asked me to follow my heart for the first time, but he did something bad to make me realize that he wasn't deserving of that love from me. Well, in fact, I just thought I was in love at that time. I was young and wasn't sure about what I really felt for him at that time until one day I realized that what I felt for him wasn't really love at all. It was just a challenge, something that I had to experience to learn a lesson. It was just something that my mind wanted me to feel because I was curious about being in love. Maybe I was in a hurry to experience 'a love' so that I got hurt. And I learned because of that. It taught me how to wait patiently because true love waits. I've learned to love myself first while praying for the one to come at the right time. I've learned to be a better person first to have the love I deserve and just wait to be with the one who will see my worth.

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