Need of Paint Protection Film on your Car:

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If you are aware of anything regarding care and protection of car's painted surface, you better know that what you perform, driving the car down to road is going to be inevitably results in few of the minuscule stone chips getting kicked up against the surface and directly scratching up the painted surface. What can you do regarding that? Car coating like Teflon coating and ceramic coatings but few of the car owners want bit more space and peace of mind. So, the best option for them when it comes to protecting the car painted surface, they prefer to go for paint protection film. These film acts as sacrificial barrier for the paint. Yet the clear film is not actually perfect. While they might take the damage brunt, they present their own detailing concerns- holes, yellowing and others.

How can you ensure that the car ppf stays long and remains healthy while adding protection to your car? using the car paint protection film coating and a trust kit can help you maintaining a healthy film. In this blog, you will learn about different kinds of protecting films and why you need to consider a car coating designed for the film.

Composition of Films:

Let's step ahead to have a look at the different type of car paint protection film. All the films are generally crafted of thermoplastics. Thermoplastics are plastics which becomes more and comparatively less flexible depending on the temperature. Temperature brings variations among the types of film.

Basics of Paint Protection Film:

Car ppf is generally known as paint protection film which is generally composed of polyurethane. They are transparent and are designed specifically for one purpose- adding a barrier between the car's painted surface and the elements. You might have listened from many of the people referring it as clear bra on certain occasions, however this is actually the trademark not the generic term. These car ppf installed usually by the professionals, however there are companies and brands which focuses more onto the advertisements highlighting it can be applied at home.

Vinyl Wrap:

On the other hand, vinyl wraps are crafted from polyvinyl and are used generally for any altering aesthetics, be it a fresh colour, new pattern, a logo or even complete picture. Because they easily tend to be for many aesthetics, the are comparatively less durable and thinner, however they will offer few levels of professional paint protection. They too can be installed by the professionals or at home using any DIY kit, directly depending on the recommendations of manufacturers.

Car PPF Installation: Thing to know Before

Any of the paint protection film do need few of the special care, much beyond highly coating them using a coating specifically designed for the protection film. First, you need to avoid any kind of power washing of the film like high pressure wash- this may lead to adverse effect onto the film like it will start to peel off. Another thing to avoid is- don't use any solvent-based car cleaning product onto film as it can directly damage the surface.

Why coating car with Paint Protection Film?

You might be getting the film installed with a ray of hope that you will be easily able to put it on to the surface and forget car care forever. This is not the case in real life unfortunately. While the science and technology easily enhance every year, films are susceptible still to numerous of issues which can only be protected against

Why Coat Your Film?

You may be getting your film installed with the hope that you'll be able to put it on and totally forget about it. This, unfortunately, is not the case. While the technology improves every year, films are still susceptible to a number of problems that can only be protected against with the help of a coating designed for films, like the one that comes in Dr. Beasley's Film Coating Kit.


Abrasions on film is generally seen in the form of micro-marring left over from wash pads. On paint these marks are near invisible, but with a paint protection film installed they're all too apparent. However, with the right coating, your film will be protected from these minuscule abrasions and look a whole lot better for it.

Preserving Self-Healing Properties

You may have scrolled past the above section on abrasion thinking, "Who cares? My PPF has self-healing properties!" Fair enough, but did you know many coatings actually inhibit your PPF's ability to self-heal? Yup! That's why you'll absolutely want to use our Film Coating Kit – it's specially formulated to be flexible enough to work with the self-healing mechanism.

UV Yellowing/Fading

These days many film brands tout their ability to protect against paint-damaging, film-yellowing ultraviolet radiation. This is because PPFs, after they absorb too many UV rays, start to turn a sickly yellow. You may have seen this effect before on white plastic, like those old beige computer monitors or the Super Nintendo.

Think the UV protection embedded into your PPF is enough to withstand the yellowing onslaught? Don't take the chance – it never hurts to have extra protection, and a film coating with extra UV blockers would definitely do the trick.

Vinyl wraps, instead of yellowing, have their color start to fade. You'll start out with a sharp black and end up with a dull grey. Very few vinyl wrap manufacturers include UV blockers, so having a film coating is even more important in this case.


Browning refers to the rust-like effect environmental contaminants can have on your film. Even with a professional installation, small particles can still work their way under the film and slowly turn it an unappealing brown. Go with a film coating, however, and you'll be contaminant-free.

Fuel Discoloration

We've all accidentally spilled a bit of gasoline on our cars while filling up. When you have a film installed on your car, this can result in unsightly discoloration. With a film-specific coating, the fuel stain should wipe right off, no discoloration at all.

Easier Cleaning

Most people with a film know that you need to clean off any bird poop or sap immediately or it could eat away at the film. Even then, stuff like that is not easy to clean off of a film. With a film-specific coating applied you'll have more time to clean the contaminant and it'll wipe right off when you do.

What If I Have A Matte Car Or A Matte Vinyl Wrap?

In the case of a matte or a matte vinyl wrap, you'll want to make sure you're using our Matte Film Coating Kit instead, as non-matte coatings will make matte surfaces look uneven and splotchy.

What If My Car Is Glossy On Some Areas and Matte On Others?

If that's the case, you'll want to make sure the matte areas of your car are covered before you apply the Film Coating to the glossy parts. Then, when you're ready to tackle the matte part, just uncover it and begin the application process, this time with the Matte Film Coating Kit. It's okay if some of the Matte Film Coating gets on the glossy parts – it won't dull the gloss, it just won't add any extra shine.

Can I Apply The Film Coating Right After Installing A Film?

Absolutely! Just ensure that the film is totally adhered to the paint and no longer mobile – you wouldn't want to accidentally shift the film while applying the coating.

Convinced? I thought so. Film, while amazing on its own, becomes near-perfect with the right coating applied. You'll be so protected against yellow-ing and abrasion you'll wonder why you even needed XPEL's warranty in the first place!

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