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I held his arm tight, yet he still drew his hand away and turned his back.

"No...you can't..."

I suddenly felt weak in the knees; tears streaming down my face. Suddenly, a piercing pain made me look down as I clutched my lower abdomen. I wanted to scream but no words would come out; then, I saw blood seeping through.


I was jolted awake by the sudden knock on my windshield. I looked at my watch to see its just 11 p.m.


"Ugh, can't a girl sleep peacefully for once?" I groaned, slightly annoyed. I turned to my window to see a police officer holding a flashlight and an umbrella. He was saying something inaudible, as he motioned me to roll down my window.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. Police Officer, how can I help you?" I asked, smiling sheepishly.

"You shouldn't be sleeping here," the police officer warned while pointing his flashlight inside my van then back to me. "This is illegal parking; you'll get towed."

"Oh, I am so sorry, Mr. Police Officer. My bad. I was just so tired and was dozing off so I had to take a short nap," I said, bowing my head several times, then flashed my sweetest smile.

You're such a liar, Yun Jae Ah. One of these days, you'll land yourself in jail or something.

"Ahem," the police officer cleared his throat then continued, "Ok, I'm letting you off with a warning this time. Why don't you just go home, Miss."

"Oh, I will. Thank you so much, Sir!"

As he turned on his heels, I quickly started to rummage inside my bag for the keys and my glasses.

"Hmm... now where did I put those? I know it's in here somewhere."

I opened my dashboard compartment to look inside as I vaguely remembered tossing it in there earlier.

"Gotcha!" I said happily as I dangled the keys in my hands. I put on my glasses, when I suddenly saw my reflection in the rear-view mirror.

Woah! What the...? My eyes are puffy and bloodshot?... crying in my sleep again, I guess. No wonder the officer was looking at me weird.

I pressed my fingers to my temple to clear my head.

This is nothing new to me, the nightmares. They would haunt me every now and then, most times i can't even remember them when I wake up.

"This is why I don't like sleeping too much," I muttered to myself. "Either you get nightmares, or worse, get towed," I added chuckling. At least I can still laugh...

As I switched the engine on, I paused to stare at the small tattoo on my wrist which I never fail to notice even in the dim light.

Just then, I glanced at my fuel gauge; it's almost on empty. Perhaps I could still look for a quiet place to spend the night. At this, I mean to park my van somewhere and spend the night inside it without further interference.

I wouldn't be doing this forever, though; just until I get a new job and a new apartment. I arrived here in Daegu three days ago with what's left of my savings after I bought this second-hand van. It's not that big but it can fit all my belongings inside; at least what's left of them. And heck, it's a Volkswagen so I think I got a great deal. Yes, I am that old-school.

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