02_21st Century Girl

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I snapped back to reality after having appreciated this guy's smile longer than I would have admitted.

"Uhmm... Lucky I didn't turn the AC on. Or we'll freeze in here," I said chuckling.

Jae Ah, you're such a terrible liar.

The truth is even with my clothes all wet, I suddenly felt heat rising as the blood rushed through my head. Maybe it's the adrenaline from the shuffle. Or the smile perhaps. I shook my head not wanting to think about it anymore.

"Aigoo, I'm wet all the way through," I said while looking down and inside my clothes. Wait, that sounded weird. I bet this guy must think I'm some perverted ajumma.

Then, looking in his direction again, I see that he has taken off his cap as well. His jet black hair is such a stark contrast to his super pale skin. He then shivered slightly as he grabbed the sides of his sleeves.

"Uhmm," I continued, "if you promise not to get off and run away, I can get some clothes for you back there so you can change."

He just looked at me for a second and nodded.

"Oh, good. I trust you already."

I went to the back of my van, squeezing myself between the two front seats. I'm not chubby, though I wouldn't say I'm skinny either. Never mind that, at least I reached the backseats without bumping my butt on his head. Omg, why am I even thinking of this.

I tackled my pile of luggage and boxes, reaching for the bottom most where I put clothes I barely use.

"Got it!" I exclaimed excitedly, careful not to wet it with my dripping hair.

"Here, you should change your clothes now. Don't worry I won't look," I said dismissively as I started to rummage again in my luggage looking for something I could change into as well.

I then heard some shuffling, some dripping water, some diffused swearing and muffled groans. What the...?

I then looked at him, apparently not sure how to take his pants off in that cramped space in the passenger seat.

"Hey, uhmm, if you need more leg room, you can do that here," I told him, tapping the seat next to me.

I let him do his business while I went further in the back and busied myself looking into my luggage. When I felt him sitting still a few minutes later, I motioned him back to the front seats so I can change too.

I turned my back on him, thinking how to do this as fast as possible. It's dark and I doubt he can see me when my skin is not as glow-in-the-dark as his. Hehe, whuuut?

I decided to play some tracks on my phone to help with the distraction, hopefully it does its job.

I quickly took off my top; deciding to do this as fast as I can. Ugh, the water already seeped through. I was thinking of only changing the top layers. No wonder I'm getting slight chills.

Aiish, what the hell, Imma takin' these off too.


That was the longest walk I ever did in my entire life. I had no idea where I was going. It's just that my feet were dragging my usual lazy self.

This is my hometown, Daegu. This is where I grew up and yet it almost seem so foreign to me now.
I came back here after the band was allowed a hiatus. I called Eomma the other day to say that I'll come visit her after I'm done with some matters but never told her I've bought a place just outside the metro, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

I looked at my watch and it's just past 11 p.m. When I looked up, there wasn't a single star in sight. It's gonna rain. Still, I continued walking.

It's been a week now since I've last seen the others. The last I heard of them was that they came back to their hometowns as well to spend time with their families. I hope they're doing good.

After I crossed some street, I arrived at this park. It feels somewhat nostalgic. I forgot the name of this park, but I remember being here when I was a kid.

At that moment it suddenly started to rain. I looked up and felt cold drops hit my face. I'm not particularly fond of the rain, though I don't hate it either. But tonight it somehow gives me peace of mind, something rare in my life nowadays.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I was initially oblivious when a vehicle went past me and stopped just ahead. The window was rolled down then somebody spoke, "Hey, Mister."

I didn't look; hands inside my jacket pocket, I just walked a little faster past the van; I didn't want to deal with paparazzi now.

I then heard that someone yelling, still calling after me. Then the van tried to overtake and blocked my way. I'm about to dodge past it when suddenly, hands grabbed my arms and started to drag me into the van.

"Yah, yah," I protested. I tried to get away but it was all too fast and I just found myself being pushed back to the passenger's seat... by this... girl?!

I tried to open the door but it won't budge. Sh*t. It's locked.

I yelled at her angrily. She looked at me with one eyebrow raised but stopped herself from snapping back at me, I think. And she is soaking wet, we both are.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help. It's not like I'm kidnapping you or anything," she started to talk. At first she was calm but she continued to nag me, her voice gradually getting louder by the word. Pass out and die? Arrested? Huh... babyboy?

I rather felt slightly embarrassed as this girl kept on scolding me like my mom. Perhaps she really doesn't know me. I decided then to take off my mask.

"I... I'm sorry."

I held my hand out to her as I apologized. I guess she really was just trying to help.

"You're alright," she said smirking at me. That's new...

I then smiled back.

How can you be so shameless, Min Yoon Gi. Don't look... But the light on her phone... Aiish!

I've already changed into the clothes she gave me. I no longer feel cold; in fact, I kinda feel the temperature's rising. Or is it just me.

Aiish! I face-palmed. This girl is so oblivious. Stop staring... Sh*t! She's looking back.

I inhaled deeply and tried to compose myself as she turned off the light on her phone. I looked outside the window innocently.

"Hey," she said as she tapped my shoulder a few minutes later. She's done changing her clothes. She's now wearing a blue oversized hoodie and matching sweatpants.

"I think we got off to a bad start. Let's do that again... hmmm... My name's Yun Jae Ah. You?"

"Min... Yoon Gi."

That's when her eyes grew wide, gasping as she put a hand in her mouth.

Author's note:

I would be surprised myself

hi! nice to meet you guys (imagine in jimin voice --so cute)

hi! nice to meet you guys (imagine in jimin voice --so cute)

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p.s. ive written a few chapters already..will post new chapter if i get 20 reads 💜 or 10 💜

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