That's Sweet

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Aoyama's POV

I sat at my desk and soon finished the assignment and turned it in,but most of my class already finished it a while ago.I sigh and sit back down before getting poked in the back by Mina"Hey Aoyama!"she cheered to me with a sweet smile.

I returned the smile with my genuine smile and she seemed surprised"Aoyama...did you actually smile!"she said and dragged me into a rough hug."I guess Mina"I say sweetly"And I'n fine,how are you?"I ask before she let's me go"I'm great!"she cheered again.

I smile to her"Thats good to know"I say and the girl soon gets up from her seat and walks over to her group with a smile.And then I sit there alone once more and I sigh once more.My smile slowly disappearing,before I get a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump and slowly turning around seeing Iida...what did i expect.

Iida's POV

I tap Aoyama's shoulder and smile at him as he jumped.And laughed at the boy reaction,"Sorry about that Aoyama!"I say with a smile and he smiles back.The male soon gets up from his seat and put his hands on his hips."So,what do you want to talk about?"I say as I look at him."Oh,I don't really know..."He said and sighed.And then I remember what Midoriya and Uraraka were talking about earlier"Oh,I forgot to ask do you wanna go to the partie thing that our class is holding later?"I ask and the Male looks down.

Aoyama's PoV

I look down'great another social thing to deal with...oh well I'll be ignored most of the time anyway nothing to worry about' I say to my self before speaking up"Yeah sure!"I say and pick my head up spotting the Male smile at me.And after that happened the bell for lunch rang and everyone left the classroom,except me...I stayed  in the class and even Mr.Aizawa left the classroom.I plot down in my seat and bring out my lunch that I had made the night before,Salad and water...I cut down on really fattening foods because I'm getting fat.

I sigh and soon eat my lunch and put the container away and sip my water and and sit at my seat.The whole year I haven't eaten in the lunch room,I just didn't trust it and maybe if i actually had friends i wouldn't be afraid to go in there and not sit on the floor near the trashcan.I thought about what I did during Middle was terrible.I shake my head before I continued to sip my water.

*time skip brought to you by Mineta being secretly gay*

Once the bell rang everyone came back and just gave me the side eye as they walked in.Except Iida,and Midoriya.I sigh and Mr.Aizawa rambles on about something before he hands out something else to do.I sigh once more and soon begin working on it finishing it quicker then the other one that we had earlier.But I didn't get up,I stayed seated.

I'll be different if I can be with you( Yuga Aoyama x Tenya Iida)Where stories live. Discover now