Chapter 7

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Wattt uppp i'm back sorry for the late update but here it is.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I can't believe she agreed to this plan and now i'm stuck shit! I should Call Jennie and tell her about this.

On the phone:

Baby: Oppa! How are you?

Yoongi: Not great my parents just told me about their plan now i don't know what to do.

Baby: huh? what plan???

Yoongi: I'm getting an Arrange Marriage to Y/N and you know i hate her and i want to marry you.

Baby: What?! that Bitch?!!! and don't worry babe just agree to the plan then after you get the company and everything is fine divorce her then Marry me ok?

Yoongi: ok ok i will thank you babe i love you

Baby: Love you too bye oppa!

*The call ended*

Well i guess i have no choice i'll do the plan then everything will be alright.

No one's P.O.V

Yoongi ended the call with Jennie but little did he know Y/N was outside and heard about their plan. Y/N thought that she'll also go with the plan and divorce him. She was happy on the outside but deep inside it was hurting her like daggers shooting her heart.

Your P.O.V

I went outside to catch him and tell him the reason then i heard a girl on the phone talking to him.

"Ok ok i will thank you babe i love you" he said my heart is aching and i don't want to fall for him again not this time. Suddenly he turned around and saw me.

"what are you doing here?" he said coldly then i sighed and went near him and took his hands.

"Look i heard your convo with Jennie and i'll join the plan" i said and stared at his eyes he was shocked because i was holding his hands and Staring at him, Then he let go and spoke.

"Ok then here are the Rules i can bring Jennie and she will live with us got it?" he said coldly and left.

"Aish he really is stubborn damn" i said and went back inside.

Weeks later wedding day (Ok i'm lazy)

Omg I'm getting married and it's not the wedding i dream of and it's sad.

"Ready sweetie?" my appa said and took my arm and guided me to the aisle i can see him standing there staring at me then changed to cold eyes ok he has a duality why out of all the people in the world i'm stuck with him?! We got to the aisle and appa gave me to him Huhu i feel like crying not because of joy but because he gave me away with this DEVIL! we did the speech and all then it was time to kiss i looked at the crowd with lots of people excited then i spotted jennie with a angry face i just rolled my eyes at her and looked back at yoongi so instead looking like a stupid statue i just took his face and gave him a smack and faced the crowd with A fake smile. He was shocked but then did what i just did, After everything we went to "Our" home and it looks like a mansion.

 He was shocked but then did what i just did, After everything we went to "Our" home and it looks like a mansion

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