Not Alone.

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I swiftly locked my car as I walked towards the grubby set of flats which I had been living in since my foster parents left me here. My parents died when I was 13 in a car acident and I was put in care. A family soon fostered me but upped and left me here on the outskirts of South London 9months before my 16th. I didnt want to go back into care and as i was so close to being 16 my social worker let me stay here but moved in one of the older care kids in with me.

Josh was 17 at the time and we got on really well with in 3months of living together we started dating. We were happy, until he started acting differently. He never laid a finger on me but he often scared me. I kept it secret and didnt even tell my social worker, Kara or my best friend Amy. I was convinced I loved Josh until 2weeks ago when Kara told me she had found my God Parents. Kara told me that if all goes well I would move in with their 25year old son and his girlfriend as they didn't have enough room but their son would have.

Today it was confirmed in a court somewhere that i would move in with the couple. I didnt even have a say in this as I was only just 16 and my parents wanted someone to look after me until I was 20, plus i wasn't legally an adult. But I was fine her with Josh! Who was I kidding. I was relieved when i was told i didnt have to live with Josh anymore but right now I was terrified to tell Josh i was moving out and leaving him at the same time. He had never really hurt me, just odd pinches or he would throw stuff and hit me by accident when he was cross, but who said he wouldn't start. 

I unlocked the door to the flat and called out 'Josh!' there was no reply as i checked all the rooms in the small flat. He was out, no doubt drinking. Again. I grabbed my suitcase and put all my clothes in it as well as all my belongings. I pulled a box out from under the bed with pictures from my childhood in. Pictures with me and the neighbours and friends. I packed them and zipped the suitcase before quickly running it down the stairs and putting it into my little red cleo. I grabbed my guitar and put it in its case before scribbling a note on a beer-stained bill. I give my room a once over and made sure i had everything, before sticking the note on Josh's pillow and grabbing my phone before walking away. I heard the door open before the tall, figure entered  the small lounge area.

"Where do you think your going, Gemma" Josh smirked.

I breathed in and out and gained composure before speaking confidently.

"Josh, i'm leaving"

His face fell as he shoved me against a wall. My guitar case fell out of my hand as I gasped, My head hitting the wall only being cushioned slightly but the fish-tail braid which went down my back. Josh stared into my eyes, inches away from my face, one hand on my neck one on my hip keeping me in place, his ice blue eyes meeting my hazel ones. 

"And why is that sweety?" He asked whilsted tracing his hand up my cheek and looking me up and down.

"I have control over you" he muttered.

I fought to move. Josh instantly shoved my hip making my body buckle as well as grabbing my arm to keep my still. I whimpered as Josh smirked, obviously pleased that he intimidated me.

"Not anymore." I spat at him.

Josh's grip tightened around my arm, his nails digging into my skin as his teeth gritted together.

"what do you mean." He replied as he grabbed my other arm and squeezed so hard i called out and felt my legs start to buckle under the pain.

"Kara found my God Parents" i whispered as Josh loosened his grip.

I slid down the wall, tears running down my face, but before i could bring my knees to my chest a foot conected with my stomach. I fell onto my side and sobbed, curling myself up into a ball like i normally did. I knew i was in denial when i told Kara Josh never hurt me. I had been trying to convince myself more tthan anyone. Yet Kara couldnt do anything about it, She had no evidence of this and i wasn't ready to tell the courts. 

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