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Written with nothing but love, adoration and respect for River Phoenix. I do not own him (obviously), or any other characters. I hope you enjoy x

Los Angeles, 1989:

"Shouldn't you be use to the cold?" A slick American accent would tingle my ears, the tips of them becoming hot. I'd suddenly feel several pairs of eyes, including my friends; all exclusively on me. "What's that?" I'd ask, quietly laughing over my words with anxiety and adrenaline bubbling in the pit of my empty nauseous stomach. "Your accent. You're from England, aren't you? Shouldn't you be use to the cold? It's cold there a lot, isn't it?" The intense eye'd male would ask me as he'd continuously brush strands of his dirty blonde hair back behind his ears, his arms unfolding and refolding time and time again in front of his chest. "Yeah. I should be. I think I've caught too much sun." I'd explain, my voice becoming increasingly quieter as I'd near the end of my sentence, a polite smile remaining at my lips. The male's gaze would be intense, but he'd have a softness to him in the way he'd speak. His body language would show discomfort and tell that he too would find this exchange uncomfortable. Occasionally as he'd look at me his eyebrows would furrow quizzically, causing his demeanor to change and come across intimidating but it would quickly relax as he'd listen to me speak, his tongue parting his mouth to lick across his bottom lip. "Oh." He'd say quietly as he'd use his middle finger to satisfy an itch against his cheek, a little smile registering on his person. I'd mentally note how his eyes would seem to move around me, on me but never distinctively connect with my own. I'd turn my attention back to my friend just as his focus would shift to his, his head dipping as he'd tilt his head as if struggling to hear the words the petite brunette at his side would be whispering into his ear, her hands cupped childishly around her mouth. I'd watch out of the corner of my eye for no more than a few seconds before hurriedly stumbling forward as my friend would take me by my elbow and drag me towards the bouncer of the club, who unbeknownst to me had been hollering at my friend & I for a good five minutes. "I'm going to need to see some ID." The bouncer would teasingly state, his eyes suggestively trailing over my curved frame as though he could read me like an open book. Fumbling in the pocket of my denim dungarees, I'd rip my coin purse free and frantically rummage to pull out my newly made up ID which would clearly state I'd be turning nineteen in November of this year. I'd produce my ID rather smugly to the bouncer whom without giving me a second glance would bat the piece of plastic out of my hand, sending it crashing to the pavement. He'd thumb over his shoulder; as if telling me and my friend where to go. "You're underage." He'd bellow as he'd extend his arm between me and my friend, beckoning for the group behind to approach. I'd step to my right as my friend would step to her left, my head lowering as tears of embarrassment would threaten to fill my eyes. "They're with us." A vulnerable voice would quietly interject as the male in the Bob Marley t-shirt would step forward, his dirty blonde hair characteristically falling into his eyes as he'd dip his head unsurely. Heads snapping upwards, mine and my friends eyes would dart to the male standing in front of us and then to one another in confusion.

A stranger sticking his own neck out to get us into a nightclub? How exciting! 

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