The Young Woman on the Shooting Range

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What is the essence of kyudo? A question I could never answer, rather ending up running away from it. At the end of my third year of high school, I was called a prodigy of the sport kyudo. I was given scholars to shoot at their schools and shrines everywhere in Japan wanted me to come shot in their dojos. Every tournament I won and every arrow that was shot with undoubted strength my teacher look at me with scorn. I was confused with her, why did she scorn me when I'm winning my matches. I got so frustrated when I didn't understand her reasoning so I lashed out without thinking. I broke my arrows that practice and after that, she refused to discipline me anymore. Out of defiance, I competed in every tournament to defeat every student of hers. I won but I felt no satisfaction in winning. There was no racing of heart or the adrenaline rush I would normally get. There was nothing. I felt I was in a void of nothingness and the sound of the tsurune didn't even wake me from it.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.::*・

The bright rays woke me from my slumber blurring my vision. I turned over and snuggled myself further in my comforter. I did not want to get up from my warm spot. I did not want to get up to such coldness in the morning. Small birds chirped their morning songs and I fell soundly back to sleep. There was another disturbance from my sleep when a soft bell echoed through the house. I was already groggy but now I can't even comprehend why I'm being awakened on a Sunday morning. I slide myself out of bed and roamed into the kitchen. I unlocked the door and let in the bright sun. There stood Haruna with her hands on her hips having an irritated look on her face.

"Tsubaki you forgot about our date, didn't you."

"I did not," I grumbled as I mocked her pose.

"You just got up didn't you, goodness what am I gonna do with you." Haruna sighed as she came into the house.

"Nothing, you don't have to do anything."

"Oh come on Tsubaki stop being such a downer."

I headed over to the sofa and Haruna followed setting her purse on the chair.

"Tsubaki did you even look at the text I sent you about today."

"Yeah and I'm not interested."

"Come on just one round and I heard there's a really handsome guy shooting!"

I glared at her and she smiles fade. Kyudo isn't just to look at guys. I picked up my phone and open my messages. I looked at the picture she sent me. I was a kyudo tournament today close here. I sighed and Hardin's knew exactly what that meant. She jumped in joy and hugged me tightly.

"I'll be ready to leave in 10." It was only a 20-minute walk where the tournament was being held. 

Spring was in full bloom as the buds of the trees started to turn green and a cool breeze brushed them off their branches. 

With Haruna saving us some seats I went back to the waiting teams behind the building. I noticed the team that Haruna mentioned, the one with the pretty guy. He was abnormally pretty and with his uniform and bags, I instantly knew what school he was from, Kirisaki High School. I look through the crowd and a certain male caught my eye. I was frozen when my eyes came upon him. He had blue hair and casual clothes on talking to a team it was Masaki Takigawa. I was in complete shock, what was he doing here. I looked at the team that he was talking to and didn't recognize the school. In high school, I would sometimes see him at tournaments. He was really good but one day something happened and he was never the same, but I would always remember his form and shot. It was so beautiful like something out of a fairy tale. He made the perfect sound, and I was completely entranced. Someone tapped my shoulder and I snapped out of my trance. I looked at who it was and it was the pretty guy from Kirisaki High. I bowed and he just stared at me.

"Uh, how can I help you?"

"Are you Shiro Tsubaki?"

"Um yes, I am what can I do for you." He wore a dark hakama and with him he carries his bow and arrows, an archer.

He didn't say anything but stare. What does he want?

"Shū Fujiwara come on."

Another person called him and walked away with his team. This is so weird, I don't even know who he is. I walked back to the spectators seating.

"Hey, so did you see anyone worthy?" Haruna waved at me.

"Um I guess, the pretty dude you were talking about, he came up to me."

"Wait really! Did he say anything?"

"No, he just stared at me."

"Well, you are kind of a celebrity in the kyudo world aren't you." 

We both laughed at that comment, I'm really no good. I lost my truth in my kyudo, my harmony was lost and I'm a complete mess when I try and pick up a bow. 

"I actually saw an old archer."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You know in high school during my third year there was this one archer, he was simply a mess but I love the way he shot. He disappeared one day though so I never got to see him afterward, I'm pretty sure I saw him back though. "

"Oh sounds like someone is in love!"

"No, it's not like that! It's just..."

"Well, maybe  you can see him after."

"I don't know." Haruna looked at me and smiled a mischievous smile. She could notice that I started to daydream about him. I started off in the distance didn't even realize the rounds have started. His form in that dojo during the night where the moonlight shined down on him. That summer was the last time I saw him.

"I would like to see him again."

"Uh!" I snapped my head towards Haruna that was mocking me having a dazed look. She sighing and making these googly eyes at me. I chucked and playfully pushed her. I can't believe she said that. A loud gong sounds rang through the courtyard and the second match began. It was that team, I think Shu Fujiwara was the name, is on. You can't deny it he was handsome. The match started and no one missed their targets. When it was Shu's turn his form was exceptional as everything was perfect. I was really surprised how good his form was when he's just in high school, I bet I know his teacher. They beat the other team without any mishaps and the second match began shortly afterward. It was a group I wasn't familiar with, but then I saw Masaki down there and I instantly knew it was his team. They didn't win their match and lost in the semifinals of the rounds. When the tournament was over me and Haruna went to a cafe right around the corner. When we were exiting a lady stopped us.

"Hello my name is Yukiko and you're Ryu Tsubaki correct?"

"Yes, what can I do for you."

"I'm with Jinja shrine and we are holding a ceremony next week and would be honored if you could shoot there."

"I'm sorry but I have to decline."

"Oh well, the offer is still up. Here is my card please call when you have changed your mind."

"Wow, I can't believe you still get offers." Haruna shook my shoulders in excitement and held me tightly. 

"Yeah, that's why I don't like coming to kyudo competitions because I still get recognized."

"I think you should do it."


"For funnies, you haven't shot in a long while."

"And there's a good reason why."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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