Chapter Two

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That day, Elayn slept with her back to a corner and cold stone under her tired body. Fighting her monstrous captors had been a great effort, and losing took its own toll, but sleep came to her unwillingly. Each time her eyes became heavy enough to close, there would be strange noises in the darkness of the castle that jolted her well awake. Even when slumber did find her it was fitful and restless. But she did sleep, and when she woke she found the room was empty except for her.

Her new mistress-- Elayn didn't care what her name was-- had said the court would leave her be if she kept to herself. She assumed that meant she was free to explore the castle. It would take her time to find a way to escape, so the sooner she started, the better.

A gurgling rumble filled the silent room with sound and startled her to her feet, searching for a foe to fight. It took her a moment to realize that the noise had been her stomach, empty for too long. It reminded her that the last time she'd eaten was a good day or more before. First things first, she would find some food. The door to her mistress's room swung open readily enough when she pushed it, and she followed her nose from there.

Sniffing the air led her down stairs hidden in the corner of the hallway-- a servant's route. Elayn had seen the human slaves serving at the feast her capture had interrupted, so she assumed they would have quarters. So she followed the bland smell of humans, a far preferable smell to the scent of vampire, and it led her to a bustling kitchen.

Three pale faces looked up at her at the sound of her footsteps with fear in their eyes-- fear that faded to nonchalance when they saw her round the corner. A fourth who was busy stirring a large cauldron with her back turned, spun around and brandished her spoon as if it were a weapon.

“Right, ain't seen you before,” she said with a fierce look in her eye. “I'm Tess, this is my kitchen, and I'm in charge of all the lord's chattel.” Her lips twisted in disgust at the last word, but she went on. “I don't brook no shenanigans and I make sure everyone gets fed. Now sit.”

Elayn did as she was told, bemused by the direct intensity of the other woman's demeanor, and so struck that it didn't bother her to be ordered about. As she did, Tess brought her a bowl of steaming porridge with bits of sausage mixed in. She ate hurriedly to ease the aching in her gut.

“Thanks,” she said when she was done, hiding a belch behind her hand.

Tess nodded once and went back to her cauldron. Elayn got up and followed her, keeping a distance wary of that spoon. “Can I ask you some questions?”

“Shoot,” she said, eyes on her work.

Now what was she to ask? A way to escape? Her likely fate at the hands of monsters? The state of politics in some far off land?

With all that to ask, she never expected, “What do you know about the Lord's daughter?” to come out of her mouth.

She saw Tess stiffen and her stirring halted for a beat before it picked back up. “That's right,” she said quietly. “I heard you was given to the lady Serana.”

Serana. A pretty name. Elayn shook her head to rid herself of the thought like it were water. “Aye,” she said in a low growl.

The other woman eyed her but let the tone pass. “Watch yourself,” she said seriously. “That one is kind enough to the humans of the castle, but she is what she is, and no friend to us.”

“Kind to the humans,” but what about a stray pup? Elayn was still chafing over being held hypnotized the previous night-- or was it day? It was getting hard to tell.

“Thank you,” she said instead of divulging her musings, and went to search the castle.

On soft feet she went up and down the halls of the castle, only avoiding a place if it had guards or vampires in the way. Which meant she couldn't fully explore parts of the castle, but she found a place or two that seemed a likely hiding spot were she to have need of it. After a while of debating with herself, she went down to the grand hall where she had been brought that first night.

She was edging close to Harkon's seat when a throat cleared behind her.

“What's a stray pup doing loose of its cage?” a high, mocking voice asked as she whirled to find a man in fine robes watching her, a smile curving his mouth that did not reach his eyes.

When Elayn was silent, he stepped closer. “What's wrong?” he asked, showing sharp teeth. “Afraid? There's no need for that, as long as you weren't sticking your nose where it shouldn't be.”

She relaxed a little, hearing that. It wasn't like she'd been where she shouldn't, and she hadn't caused any harm.

“See? No harm done,” he said, as if he could hear her thoughts.

Then he twitched toward her, not moving but giving the impression he would, and she jerked back, her back colliding with the arm of the chair. The vampire's smile widened, setting her instincts clamoring, and she made a move to run.

Suddenly he was there behind her, pinning her arms to her back with one hand. The other caressed her jaw, making her skin crawl. “The master doesn't allow filth to disgrace the seat of his power,” the vampire whispered in her ear. “And what have you gone and done, you silly pup?”

Then razor sharp teeth bit down, tearing the flesh over her jugular, and the world went black.

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