Getting to know you!

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Eisha pov~When Chris got on stage and started dancing, he was really good, the crowd loved everything he did and to be honest so did I. As i was watching the show I noticed that chris was watching me, it made me blush mad hard and all I could do was smile at him.

Chris pov~As I was dancing I saw the girl I bumped into watching me. She really cute, and I want to get to know her. I smiled at her and I could tell she was blushing, then she smiled back at me. All I know is before I leave tonight I'm gonna get her name and number.

Back to Eisha pov~As I was enjoying the show, mom my texted me telling me I needed to come home. When I started to leave out I felt someone grab my wrist. As I turned around I saw Chris. His performance must have been over. He said "hey sorry for bumping into u earlier" I smiled and said "it's cool, I'm Eisha" then he said "I'm chris" I told him "I would love to sit and talk with u but I got to get home" but before I left he asked for my I Instagram and number.

Chris pov~ I saw that the girl I bumped into started to leave, luckily my performance was over and I chased after her, I grabbed her by her wrist and apologized for bumping into her. Then she told me her name and said she had to leave. But before I let her leave I asked for her Instagram and number.

Eisha pov~I said bye to Chris, I wish we could have to talked more but I knew if I stayed out longer my mom would have a fit. When I got home I took a couple pictures outside,and posted them on my Instagram. Then when I got in I took a shower and turned my phone off, then I fell asleep.

(U will see what Eisha posted in the next chaper!)

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