| chapter eleven

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"i don't wanna let go."


a few weeks have passed.

yeonjun and soobin arrived at the campus together. they were just acting like friends though, they didn't want anyone to know.

they're not exactly dating yet. they were just getting there.

yeonjun's fangirls are already starting to suspect the relationship between the two guys.

the both of them stopped at soobin's locker. yeonjun mumbles a little goodbye to him and left to his club meeting. soobin's cheeks flushed avery light pink color but he managed to hide it.

he opened his locker and grabbed his books for his morning session. he closed it gently, trying not to make any noise. soobin slowly turned around and was met with three of yeonjun's obsessive fans.

"hey! did you think we haven't noticed how close you and our oppa is?!!" one of the girls said in an annoyed tone, while swirling her rebonded hair.

the other girls gave him a dirty look.

soobin didn't know what to say. he glared back at them and slowly exited the scene while staring elsewhere.

one of the girls pulled his hand harshly and pushed him against his locker.

"look, we're trying to make this easy for you,but it looks like you want the opposite?" she said while smirking.

annoyance was present in soobin's eyes. even though he can fight back, he can't since he's in the hallways. he didn't want to be scolded because he was fighting some cheap ass girls that put on too much makeup.

he replied through gritted teeth,
"leave me alone."

the girls didn't look affected at all.

"we're only here to tell you to leave yeonjun oppa alone. okay we better go now since class is about start."

the girls finally let him go.


he slowly went to the classroom, taking only small steps.

the younger wasn't gonna leave yeonjun alone. he wasn't a fool to believe those words. soobin rolled his eyes at the thought and quickened his pace to reach the classroom faster.

he smirked a little seeing the girls in his class. he slowly walked to his armchair and sat down, sliding his bookbag off his shoulders and and placing it gently on the floor.

he waited a couple minutes for yeonjun to arrive.

when the older arrived, he waved at soobin and sat at the empty seat beside him. soobin ignored the dirty looks the girls are giving him.

he focused on each of his classes for the day and sighed with relief when it ended. he packed his stuff quickly while yeonjun just stood there waiting for him.

the younger finally finished and signalled his hyung that they can now go home. the older smiled widely and reached for the younger's bag.

soobin blushed for the second time that day and went out of the room.

while they were walking home, they didn't notice three pairs of eyes following their every move.


i'm sorry. this chapter kind of sucked. i'll do better next time. ♥

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