Weki Meki (위키미키), previously known as i-Teen Girls, is an 8-member girl group under Fantagio. The group consists of Suyeon, Elly, Yoojung, Doyeon, Sei, Lua, Rina, and Lucy. Weki Meki debuted on August 8, 2017.
Weki Meki Fandom Name: Ki-Ling
Weki Meki Official Colors: "Cherry Tomato" and "Vibrant Yellow"Weki Meki Official Sites:
Facebook: WekiMeki
Twitter: WekiMeki
Instagram: weki_meki
Daum Café: WekiMeki
V LIVE: Weki MekiStage Name: Suyeon (수연)
Birth Name: Ji Su-yeon (지수연)
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist
Birthday: April 20, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 164cm (5'5")
Weight: 44kg (97 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Instagram: @suye.on2diSuyeon Facts:
– She was born in Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea.
– Education: Hanlim Multi Arts School
– She was a former trainee under CJ E&M and WM Entertainment.
– She can play the piano.
– She has briefly performed in China.
– She is great at math. She can even make the sum of large numbers mentally.
– She's a fan of f(x).
– Out of all of the Weki Meki members, she was the last to be officially introduced.Stage Name: Elly (엘리)
Birth Name: Jung Hae-rim (정해림)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: July 20, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 161cm (5'3")
Weight: 46kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Instagram: @_haerimida