Announcement To My Lovely Readers

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Author nk mntak maaf if author buat korg tunggu lama tuk author update ☹️ tapi author jnji author akan update secepat mungkin 😘 and please make sure to promote it to ur friends 🤭 my goals for this story is 30K , so harap² laa my readers sayang bleh bntu ok 😚 and author jnji if story ni smpai 30K , author akan update daily .. I Promise 😉 Nk ke Xnak ? 😏 Cepat cepat , klau nk prmote kat kawan² eh 😚 Author syg korg sesangat ❤️

Please do leave ur comment and likes , nk ada conversation with author sila comment , author akan jawab sorg² punya comment .. nk tnya ke apa ke , comment je .. author akan reply 😘 Love U Guys So Much 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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