Some one you knew - Richie

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This one is different usually with these you would expect Finn

Everyone knows the saying

" It's sad when someone you know
Becomes someone you knew"

Well this was just like y/n and richies

Y/n knew dang right that she was in love Richie

But she didn't think that Richie loved her back

After they defeated pennywise, they group parted ways as bill moved away as well as Beverly. Stan moves schools to private school. Ben also moved. Mike is still homeschooled. But Eddie, Richie and y/n all stayed at Derry middle

Richie grew away for the two as he ignored them

y/n Eddie we're still friends and would talk occasionally of course

Y/n would spend her nights staying up crying and sobbing

The one thing that broke her heart was when she walked into school feeling.... good for once

But the didn't last

What she saw broke her to 1 million pieces

Richie was making out with her best friend

Y/n was immediately drained of tears but she didn't cry she just... walked away

Not surprised

She felt nothing anymore

It was a feeling that she had gotten used too

Ironically she had her first class with both of them

Y/n sits in the 2nd row and b/f/n and Richie in the 3rd row


But then Eddie sits next to y/n thankfully

And since Richie was being then Eddie asked if they could hang out after school, you of course said yes

Richie has a sad look on his face as he sat back while y/n had a smirk on her face.

A/N : ok so this was a draft and I felt like I had to update because it's been a while so I decided to post this

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