Todoroki / your Diary

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[Don't be confused, I use their/them pronouns for the reader to keep it unisex, also my computer doesn't have autocorrect in english, so sorry for the spelling mistakes]

U.A had been rough for me lately, I never thought that there would be so god damn much studying... it's really exhausting. It really wasn't easy to keep up with all of this and I guess, people have noticed aswell that I struggle... at least Shoto has.
"meet me in my room at 2 on saturday, I'll help you with your studies" that were his words as he invited me and now I was standing here, infront of his door, too shy to knock. I've liked him since I first saw him, he was always so cool and calm. He always knew what to do and I really admire that.
I hold my folders and notebooks close to me as I finally get the courage to knock. I knock and wait.
"coming" is what I heard before there were foot steps and the door opened.
"Ah, come in. I've already prepared some things to study" he said, holding the door open.
I nod a bit and walk into his room, every time I see it I am stunned, it's really beautiful.
Shoto sat down on the carpet in the midde of the room, I follow him and slowly sit down aswell.
"So... which subject are you helping me with?" I ask as I put down my books.
I didn't know what he wanted to study with me so I just brought everything that I could need some help with. So basically all my books and notebooks.
He shrugged slightly "I've prepared some things for Hero strategies but also things like maths and sience, so what do you need more help with right now?" He asked in his usual calm voice.
"Well... I think I am okay in the strategies but maths... well I could always use some help with that" I say calmly as I pull out my mathbook so we could do some tasks together and I would hopefully understand it.
"Alright, lets work on that then" He said and soon we both sat on his ground, working ourselves through a few mathproblems. Studying together with him was actually really helpful, he showed me how to use the formulas properly and I finally understood what I was supposed to even find out with these things.
"See? And it's already done. Did you understand it?" He asked and I nod calmly "Yeah, thank you so much. This was really helpful" I smile.
He just gave a nod "Whenever you have more questions don't hesitate to ask, we can study together more often" He said calmly.
I nod and slowly pack together my books and notebooks "Okay, thank you Shoto"
I slowly get up "I'll be heading to my room again then, thank you again" I say before soon heading back to my own room. I quickly go into my room and put my books down onto my desk.
I lay down on my bed and grab my phone, just entertaining myself for a while.

POV Todoroki:
I am really glad that I was able to help them a bit with the tasks, I really want to spend more time with them, but I am not sure how to tell them... I have never really been in a situation like this before.
I look around the room a bit, noticing a notebook on the floor. Maybe they forgot it... I should hand it back to them soon... I hope it's not their math notebook.
I pick it up and slowly open the first page and to my suprise it wasn't their math notebook... it... it's their diary.
Oh no... and I have opened it and looked at the first page. I shouldn't be looking at this, but yet I can't hold myself back. I'm too curious.
I slowly flip through the pages, eventhough I feel really guilty, I can't stop myself.
Soon I landed on a page that had my name as the title... why would they write about me?
I am not that special, just a classmate afterall.
I couldn't help myself, I just had to read it.

Dear Diary,
Today was sort of a weird day. I have been in this class for a few weeks now and I don't know, it's getting exhausting. Not only the classes but also the classmates, not that I don't like them but... maybe one I just like too much. I haven't felt this way in a long time but he just makes my heart race and feel this weird thing in my stomach. He is a great person, I really admire him.
I don't know what to do though, I can't really tell him, he might not understand or he will think I am strange. I really hope I'll find a solution for this soon, I don't want to feel like this forever.
I hope one day I will get the courage to tell him, so at least I can get over it...
Well that's it for today I guess, I just needed to get that out of my head.

Reading this felt strange, and it's only from a few days ago. I had no idea that they were feeling this way, they should have told me. Now that I read that they are interested in me and I am thinking about it... I might like them aswell.
What do I do now, they will notice that their diary is missing and I should probably hand it back to them, so they don't worry but I should talk to them about it aswell, it's important.
I sigh and get up deciding to go over to their room, wanting to give back the diary but also so we could talk.
I knock lightly and sigh.
"Yes?" I heard the voice from inside.
"It's me, Todoroki, you forgot something in my room and I want to talk about it, can I come in?" I ask through the closed door.
"Uhm, yeah sure, just come in" Once I heard that I opened the door and walked in. I quickly close the door once I was inside and sigh "Well... I think this is your diary, you left it in my room" I say calmly.

POV: You
Omce I heard those words I lost it "W-what? Why did I forget it? oh no... you didn't read any of it right?" I ask through the panic inside of me. If he read any of this it was over, what if he read my confession? This can't be, he wouldn't do that, right?
"Well... I would lie if I said I didn't read any of it. I wanted to check if it was your math notebook and I maybe came across a page that was interesting to me. Is it true? Do you really like me in that way?"
This is a nightmare right? I just have to wake up and nothing of this happend... right? Please let this be a dream.
"I-I.. well... I don't lie in my diary, lets put it that way"  I stutter, not even able to speak properly.
"I see, you should have told me earlier. I do think that I am interested in you aswell" He said.
I just didn't know what to say or do. I had never thought that He might like me aswell.
"A-are you serious? You aren't joking or saying it because you feel bad for me, right?" I say lighty.
"No, I mean it.  I would never joke about something like this."
I nod slightly as I look down at my hands, still not knowing what to do "okay... I'm sorry, I don't really know what to do or say..." I admit quietly as I lightly rub the back of my neck.
This is really emberrassing and awkward.
"So, would you maybe like to go on a date some time?" He asked after a moment of awkward sielence.
I look up at him again and nod slightly "Y-yeah, I'd really like that" I say with a small smile.
He smiled back at me and walked over, handing me my diary "Well, we should be glad that you forgot this then" He said calmly before he leaned down and kissed my cheek.
I blush deeply, quickly hiding my face "Y-yeah..." I mumble, guessing he couldn't even hear it.
"I'll see you soon then, on a date" Shoto said before leaving my room.

mha oneshots (romantic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt