Todoroki taking care of your injuries

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(I will keep the pronouns they/them so nobody is excluded and I am sorry for spelling mistakes and Grammatical errors, English is not my first language. thank you for understanding)


"Hello.... Hey! Wake up. Shit, what do I do?... Huh? There you are thank god"
I slowly open my eyes to see who was talking to me. I feel really dizzy... what happend?
I squint my eyes so I would be able to see the other person more clearly. red and white hair... there is just one person with that. That's Shoto Todoroki. "You were attacked by the Villains right?" he asked as he looks at me, scanning my body from top to bottom. "I-I think so yeah..." I say lightly, trying to sit up. Only then I notice in how much pain I actually am. My arms and legs, it feels like I'm being ripped appart. "Do you not remember?" He asked suprised as he lightly held me down "Don't get up, you are injured. Recovery Girl has a lot to do so I'll stay with you until she arrives" He said an kept looking around to see if there were any more villains around.
I nod slowly and lay back down. There was nothing mutch I can do anyways. Everything is hurting and I just feel like going back to closing my eyes and sleeping... that probably is a bad idea... "You're a frst year?" He asked as he noticed that I am about to slip away again. I shake my head slowly "Second" I say.
He nodded "We'll you probably know, I'm a third year" he said. I nod slowly, not moving my head to fast "Who doesn't know you and your class" I say lightly and smile. "I really admire you, Midoriya and all the others in your class" I say lightly. It's true. I've been basically a fan of them since I have seen the sports festival when they were in the 1st year. He smiled "Thank you, I apreciate that. I am sure you'll be a great Hero aswell" He said calmly. "Oh no... probably not but I guess it's fine" I say and shrug slightly. It's true, I wasn't like super great and my Quirk is nothing too special either. "Hm... well you still have some of time in school to learn and train to get better, there is no being perfect but you can always improve" he said. I knew that is true but I would never be the super Hero that everybody loves and wants to be saved by, I'll probably be helping with bigger rescue missions and stuff like that.

POV Todoroki:
I just try to keep them distracted from the horrible pain they must be feeling. There was nothing much I could do about all the open wounds and fractured bones. Putting ice on them wouldn't really help either. i sigh and look around, making sure I would see it first if a villain would come, so I can protect them. There is no way they could fight right now.
"So what's your name?" I ask just trying to keep them awake and busy with questions. That's one thing I learned from Recovery's first aid classes.
I look down at one of their legs as they tell me their name. "Shit" I mutter as I watch the blood slowly forming a small puddle around the wound. I look around trying to find anything I could wrap aroud the wound. This was serious, much more serious then I thought. Not good...
I just grab a shirt out of my bag from training and rip it apart so I could wrap it up. "Sorry, you are bleeding a lot, I have to do something about it or you will pass out in minutes" I say and slightly lift their leg so I could wrap it around tightly.
They look at me shocked "What?" I ask lightly before I realized "Oh.. maybe I shouldn't say that you might die if you didn't get help soon, that kinda sounds really bad" I say and their eyes only got bigger "uhm... I mean, you'll be fine! Recovery Girl will be here soon and I'll try my best to stop the bleeding!" I say in kind of a panicy tone. This is bad. I am doing what I am not supposed to do. This is the one part of first aid class that I was really bad at.
I pull the ripped shirt tightly around their leg and tie it with a tight knot to apply preasure.

POV You:
I didn't even realize that I was bleeding until he said it! I just stare at the small puddle of blood and hearing him say that it was that serious just freaked me out. What do I do if I have permanent damage or even worse.... DIE?! "W-what? what's goin on? Will I die? is it that bad?!" I ask just really scared that this is super bad and serious.
"Uhm... well it'll be okay, I'm doing my best to stop the bleeding. When it stops you will be find, this just sets a time limit so we gotta act fast.... Where the hell is recovery girl when you really need her more then anything else" He muttered, looking around quickly searching for a teacher or recovery girl.
I felt my cheeks burning as I started to cry, I wasn't ready to have such serious injuries, I'm just a student.
"Look at me, stop crying. It'll be okay, I'll fix this" He said as he looked into my eyes. I nod slightly, trying to stop my tears. I trusted him, a lot... but still I was really worried about all of this. "Just let me know if something changes, like if the pain changes or if you feel dizzy... Well your leg will feel numb since I am applying a lot of preasure but that is what's supposed to happen" He said. The talking was really helpful. It gave me something to focus on and distracted me from the pain and fear, but still I could not ignore the fear of dying.
"What if nobody comes?" I ask, my voice really shaky "Someone will come, I notified everyone I know, someone will read my message" He said and sighed, pressing down on my leg hard.
"Ah good, the bleeding is getting less and less, you'll be okay, I promis" he said as he looked at me seriously but still calmly. I just nod slowly.

POV Shoto:
I keep looking around in fear of another villain coming, obviously I'd fight them but I am worried that this little person might not do well without me pressing on this wound.
If even another student would come here that would make things a lot easier, but we are outside and everybody ran inside to be safer.
'Midoriya, do you have any teachers around you? I found an injured student and need help' I text my classmate, really desperate for help at this point.
"We aren't safe out here, It would be good if we manage to get inside, but I am scared to move you because of your injuries" I just spoke out my thoughts. I know it's bad to tell a victim these things, but I couldn't help it, I need to think out loud to come up with something good, otherwise we'll both die here.
"well I can't move" I quickly look at them "I know... just stay still laying down, it's the best for you... I can't carry you inside alone with all the Injuries" I say and sigh.
'I can send a teacher out to find you, there are a few in here... I hope you're okay'
Finally a text from Midoriya!
'Just send a teacher and make him bring something we can bring them inside with, the injuries are pretty bad, I can't just carry them... it would hurt them more' I send and put my phone away.
"Midorya will send a teacher, we'll get you inside as soon as the teacher comes out here.'

"Ah there you are Todoroki!" I have never been so happy about hearing Aizawa-sensei's voice.
"Sensei, help me get them inside, they need to be treated as fast as possable!" I quickly say and quickly help him put the injured student on the rescue board he brought with him.

A few days later:

POV You:
I am still recovering from the massive injuries, one kiss from recovery girl wasn't enough to heal all the injuries. Laying around in the recovery wing of the school was really boring though, I wish I could at least go back to classes to see my friends and get all the informations for the upcoming exams.
*knock knock*
I quickly look over to the door of my little room "Yes come in" I say guessing it was one of my classmates who wants to bring me the homework and some notes. To my suprise it was not Who I expected it to be.
"Hey... I just wanted to see how you were doing" Todoroki sais in his usual calm voice.
I don't know why but the fact that he came to check on me made me smile.
"I am okay, thank you for saving me, I never really had the chance to say thank you properly"
I quickly say as he came in. "It's not a big deal, that's the job of a hero isn't it?" He said and smiled. "Of cource it is... but still for me it's a big thing. I probably would have died out there if you wouldn't have come to help me" I say lightly, rubbing the back of my neck slightly.
"Yeah, you're right, I was there at the right time... but it could have been anyone else and they would have done the same" He said calmly. He was probably right, but still I feel verry thankful.
"Don't say it like this... just accept it" I say and look up at him. He nodded slightly "Yeah sorry.... if you need anything feel free to ask me, I can help you study or if you need anything else, I have my dad's credit card" He said. It just made me smile, he is so cute.
"Thank you Todoroki, I'll gladly accept the studying offer... I already missed a lot and I still have a few days I have to spend here" I say and sigh. "Sure, I'll bring some of my notes and stuff from last year, I'll help you catch up" He said and smiled. I nod and just smile back.
I slowly raise an eyebrow as I notice how Todoroki started to look around and shift around lightly, is he nervous? If so... why?
"Are you okay? You can sit down if you want" I say as I look at him confused. He nodded and slowly sat down on a chair. "Uhm... I was just thinking." He said and kept staring at his own hands. Weird.
"I- ... you know, once you're okay again and all healed... I was wondering.... maybe you know we could like go and get coffee... or tea of cource if- if you want" He stuttered.
I felt the heat creeping up into my cheeks as they turned into red traficlights.
"Wha- I mean yeah sure, that sounds good" I say without thinking, my mind was running on auto pilot.  "Lets do that once I get out of this little room" I add, fiddling with the blanket of my bed.
A smile spread all over Todoroki's face as he nodded and got up "Alright, I'm glad. I was worried you'd reject me. I'm looking forward to it then!" He said before he had to go.
From that day on he came to visit me every day and helped me catch up with all the school work while I was tied to the hospital bed.

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