Chapter 17: Just Like The Day I Fell In Love

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A/N: In this chapter, anything I say about Eleanor and Louis are not my true opinon, but are being said fr the sake of the story.

Zayn's P.O.V

People were staring at us funny and we didn't even care. Niall and I just kept on cheering and dancing. I mean, Alyssa said she missed us. And she was going to help, we knew it. Louis deserves a punch in the head for what he did, and we can all agree on that. But, he loves her. He doesn't even want to date Eleanor. Management set them up. She makes him where gay clothes to. 

1 day after texting her and no one ha said happy birthday to Louis yet. Or Merry Christmas, but only cause we have to give him his birthday/Christmas present last. 

Well, we were all so excited we didn't realize Louis brought Eleanor to party. What the hell do we do now?

"Uh Lou can I talk to you for a sec?" I spoke to Louis, my eyes not leaving the devil in prada's. He nodded his head and I brought him to the balcony, and shut the door. 

'Lou! I thought you didn't even like her? You KNOW shes a biotch!" I whisper yelled in his face.

'I know. But shes leaving soon anyway so calm down." 

I breathed out a sigh of relief and I mumbled under my breath, "You almsot ruined everything."

Sadly, my mumbling skills need help. 

"What?" He asked, confusion and eagerness in his eyes.

I shook my head, shrugged my shoulders and walked back in just in time for the best (well, second best) part of the evening.

"Oh sorry guys. I got to go. Happy birthday boo bear! Merry Christmas guys!" 

And with that, the She-Devil left. Niall and I broke out into a smile, and Louis just looked scared.

"What are you 2 doing...?" He asked us skeptically.

"PRESENT TIME!" I yelled and everyone ran to the tree in the living room.

"For Louis.... from...." Harry spoke low and slow trying to read the tag. "For Lou from Zayn." 

He grabbed the card and read it. He smiled brightly and hugged me tight. Wonder what his reaction to Alyssa will be.

He finsiehd reading the last line and his face dropped.

"What do you mean by 'this is not the only present winky face'?" He asked me pointing at the writing.

Niall sniggered, and I just shrugged. The doorbell rang and Niall and I shared a look before bolting to the door. We opened it, ran out, closed it, and hugged the girl before us so tight I think we killed her. Woops?

Louis' P.O.V

The doorbell rang and the boys bolted to it so quick you would think someones present just arrived. I wasn't paying much attention but everyone gasped at something. Danielle bolted so quick I think she  took her boyfriends hand off doing so. Surprisingly, Li ran to and all I heard was a couple "I missed you's." and girls shreiking. Wait, why are they shrieking?

I turned around and saw them all huddled and whispering to one extra body that wasn't here before. Wha?

Zayn locked eyes with me and smiled even wider. They covered the person before calling me over.

"Lou.... happy birthday/Christmas." Zayn and Niall said in sync. The person between them all sniggered and tried to push their way through. And I don't think I would be happier to see everyone else. 

There, right infront of me, stood my only love in.. FOREVER.

My jaw dropped and all I could think was;

My Alyssa's back.

Next thing I knew we were hugging and she was crying and so was I. Good tears. 

I pulled her out of the hug and held her face in my hands. 

"I can't believe your here." I spoke quietly. Everyone was just watching. My "PDA" moments were gone. I didn't care who was watching.

"I know." She chuckled a bit and guilt washed over me.

"Im so sorry. You have no idea. I-" I was cut off.

But not by her speaking.

By her crashing her lips to mine. Just like our first kiss.

Just like the day I fell in love with her. 

I pulled apart reluctantly, let go of her hands, and ran towards the boys to hug them. 

Is it possible to say thank you to much?

Best. Birthday/Christmas. Ever. 

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