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Willow didn't quite understand technology. Her seventeen years living at the castle she never really was allowed to indulge in such human things. Instead of watching television she would read. Instead of played video games she would play chess. She hated chess though.

Willow only listened to music, that's what she was allowed to use as it calmed her down, Aro used anything to calm the hybrid down.

So sitting on a metal pressurized flying death trap Willow was slightly freaking out. The two vampires found it slightly funny but the human did not.

"Shiitake mushrooms this is awful I hate technology!" Willow mumbled earning laughs from Edward and a smile from Alice.
"Have you never been on a plane before?" Isabella asked curiously as she held onto Edwards hand.

"It's that obvious huh?" Willow shook her head as she tried to catch her breath.

"Well also your thoughts are quite loud, wonder what Aro would say to all that colorful language." Edward chuckled.

"Probably go tell me wash my mouth out with soap. Have you ever tasted soap?" Willow asked the human who just looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Yeah nasty stuff. Bleh!" Willow made a face earning a smile from Alice.

"You know I really don't mind going shopping with you, you didn't have to bring a suitcase." She says making Willow give Edward a look.

"I'm not the biggest fan of shopping, let alone crowds." Willow smiled. "But thank you, for the offer and letting me stay with you guys."

"I don't think we were in the predicament to say no." Isabella joked awkwardly.
"Yeah I don't think so either." Willow snorted.

"So immortality..." Willow seductively raised her eyebrows at Isabella making her snort and Edward frown.

"Don't frown Eddie boy, you'll get wrinkles in your old age." Willow joked earning a look from an old lady across the isle.

"What you jealous or something you old bat? I mean c'mon look at your wrinkles lady, dermatologists must love you the way you must be buying their products."

"Willow! I am so sorry miss, she has issues. Now honey go back to looking out the window." Alice shot Willow a look.
"Drain me." Willow said flatly.


After many hours full of bickering and a hyper hybrid the four arrived in Seattle where a car was waiting for them and a blonde vampire.
"Hot damn I know you!" Willow exclaimed as she walked over to the car following the trio.

"You're Carlisle Cullen! My dad talks about you all the time!" Willow smiled and stuck out her mostly cold hand.
"Willow Halloway Volturi!"
"I'm sorry but I don't know you." Carlisle politely shook Willows hand. The hybrid shrugged.
"Figures my dad doesn't really talk about me."
"Whose your father if you don't mind me asking?" The blonde vampire pressed curiously.
"Aro, he says I am to stay with you guys and report back on Isabella's situation." Willow spoke diplomatically as she was taught. Her lessons finally coming to use.
"Just Bella..." Isabella mumbled but willow heard.
"Of course you can stay with us. We have a spare bedroom and everything."

"Thank you Carlisle."

The conversation ended and the five of them got into the car. Willow say in the back next to Bella who sat next to Edward, while Carlisle drove and Alice sat in the passenger.

"Hey do you guys have blood bags?"
"You're a vampire?!"
"Partially... Anyway I've never had to hunt and I'm not allowed in the throne room during feedings, they just get me blood bags from the local hospital when I need them, it's not often but I still need them." Willow went on about her diet as if it was the most normal thing ever while the others just listened to the hybrid with curiosity and confusion.

"Have you ever had animal blood?"
"No, is it any good?"
"It's like tofu.."
"Ew but I'll try it."

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