Chapter 1: How are we now?

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[UPDATED: Full chapter]

AN: HELLO! Welcome to my new Hizzie fic series! I am currently still in the works of planning and writing this series so I may not be updating as frequently as some of you may be used to but I'll try hard for some consistency!

- B

"Dear diary,"

The pen in Lizzie's hand glid across the blank page of her journal hesitantly, taking her time to jot down her thoughts.

"It's been two months and it still doesn't feel right. The bed feels empty and sleeping isn't the same anymore."

Lizzie stared at the words written in front of her remembering the nights she had spent in the arms of the one she loved the most. The warm breath of her girlfriend against her face as she would watch the girl sleep.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt sound of a rapid knock at her bedroom door. Not expecting any guests for the evening Lizzie slid off her bed and took a few steps towards the door.

The door creaked as Lizzie pulled it open and her breath got caught in her throat at the sight of who was standing only a foot away from her.

"Um, I'm sorry, I thought Josie was here. I'll go check the library," the short auburn girl scrambled for an apology her face becoming flustered.

Lizzie opened her mouth to say something but no words came out and instead the girl ran off disappearing down the hall.


Two months ago

It had been a long day and the tribrid was nowhere to be found. This wasn't atypical of her but Lizzie still attempted to search all over the school stopping students in the hall asking if they'd seen her girlfriend but she wasn't successful.

Knowing there was no point in wasting any more of her time to find the girl, Lizzie gave up and joined her friends and sister in the dining hall for dinner.

At this point, Lizzie and Hope had been dating for a year, a long year for that matter. They had their fair share of memorable moments but they all happened either behind closed doors or in places no one could find them.

At the beginning of their relationship, Lizzie enjoyed these stolen moments. Feeling exhilarated by the anticipation of not knowing when she would see Hope next but it got old quick.

Lizzie had quickly fallen for the girl but somewhere deep down she knew her love didn't reciprocate those feelings.

After what felt like a long dinner Lizzie excused herself from her group of friends and painstakingly made her way down a dreadfully quiet hallway. The steps approaching the oh-so familiar door were heavy and burdened.

Lizzie's hand hovered over the door, hesitant to knock. She knew that whatever would follow this moment, could not be one she wished would happen.

Finally, Lizzie took in a deep breath and brought her knuckles to the door.

Only seconds later the door opened and Lizzie was greeted by her favorite pair of blue eyes.

"Hey," Hope breathed, stepping back and pulling the door open wider to let Lizzie in.

There was a lingering silence between them both knowing where this was going.

Twining her fingers together, Lizzie's gaze was focused on the floor as she took the few steps necessary to reach the center of the room.

It took a few seconds, but eventually, she took a heavy breath and lifted her head.

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