chapter 5

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Chapter 5 –

“Oh god that was fast” Lux said with a astonished look on her face. “Are you okay “said a boy. “ya…..ya, y-a I’m fine, wait di-d u see-ee that?” said Lux. “ya I did” said the boy, “what’s your name?”. “My name is lux”. “I’m ash”. “are you new here “ said ash. “ya I am, is there any schools around her that I can enroll in”. “ya, there is ……my school….cooper high school, I’m on my way there now, would u like to come” .  “Sure I would love to” I replied with a smile.

When ash and I had reached the school I was really tired. But I didn’t have any place to live so I had to go to school. The school was so big, way bigger than my school. If I had guessed how many kids are enrolled there I would say about 800. The school was three stories high. When ash took me into the school he said I had to go to the main office before anything. I went into the main office to find this curly brown haired women sitting at the desk. “hi, my name is Luz…..i would like to be enrolled here”. “Well……….(smack, smack went her gum) if u want to go here why didn’t u enroll a couple of weeks ago miss.” “I just moved here”. “oh so I see……..u think just cuz your new to this area u should just be able to POP into this school right away……well it doesn’t work like that sweetie, NOW GO SIT DOWN”.  Just from my experience in the school I did not like it. First of all why do they have bitchy women there to greet you. Are they freaking stupid?

So I had to sit there for like an hour and then finally this big fat bald headed man come in “miss….um Lux, could I see u in my office”. So I stepped into his office, which by the way smelled like dill pickles. When I sat down the man started to talk. “hello Lux, I am the school’s principal , I hear that you want to enroll” “yes “ “okay well are your parents here , I would like to talk to them about the finances they will have to pay when you are enrolled”.  “well………..well my parents are in………..-me-xico, yup they are in new Mexico at the moment. They wanted me to enroll while they were gone, so ya”. “Lux, dear I need a legal guardian to sign the paper, so at the moment u are not enrolled in this school, when will they be back?”. “I do not know”.  “Come back in a couple of days , then I will see what I can do”.  “okay”.

With that I walk out of the building. Now what do I do I thought to myself. I don’t have anywhere to live and I’m hungry. Ughhhhhhhhh . when I was just walking around the neiborhood I found this park that had a concession stand. I went up to the concession stand and said “um…..excuse me do have anything for free here”. “What the hell girl, who do u think I am , I do this job to get money not to be nice…… no there is nothing free here , now go”. I was so pised just by what that man said to me.

I guess I would be homeless for the night, since I couldn’t find anywhere to live and it was getting dark. When I was walking I found a box. I took that box underneath someone’s stairs and that’s what I was sleeping in for the night. “hey ….Lux is that you”  “ya ….oh hey ash”.  “Why are you under there”. “I don’t have any place to sleep for the night”. “come to my place, I’ve got a  sofa  you can sleep on”.    I got up and started to walk back to ashes house with him. When we got there and went inside he set up the sofa and gave me a blanket. That sofa was so warm as soon as I lay down I fell asleep and I could hear ash say goodnight angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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