Heroes VS. Villians

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Cat's POV

My day got weird when I was tossed from a helicopter. Chris invited me back to be an all star, sure I'm flattered but I didn't want to. But my contract says otherwise until Chris dies or the show goes bankrupt.

I got the call two weeks ago in L.A. in the middle of a big movie audition. Because of my scholarship, I now live in LA but I still FaceTime with Mike and Cameron. Mike has been saying Zoey's been acting weird.

Back to present time, I heard Chris. "Now here's Multiple Mike and Cat." He yelled as Chef pushed us off the helicopter. "Also known as Chester and Muriel, Svetlana and Vincent, Vito and Ariana, and Manitoba and Bailey." Chris announced as we gave our personalities a small spotlight.

Chris announced the rest of the TDRI cast and the original cast. Chris also now they're bringing back Ezekiel.

Why the hell are they bringing that Freakazoid back!!! You know, I kinda missed this outhouse!

We washed up on shore, coughing and spluttering for air.

Chris put us into teams, Heroes or villains, I could go either way. I was put on the Heroes team with Mike, Zoey, Sierra, Cameron, Courtney, Sam and Lindsay. The villains got the robot too because Jo complained.

Courtney didn't deserve to be on the Heroes team. Chris explained the challenge.

This guy is insane! Next thing, I knew Courtney made Lindsey the driver. "I'm on a team of losers!" I mumbled.

We ran up to the hill and everyone was panting but I was fine. I had to practice running for my movie, Swindle.

We looked over the edge and saw my old buddy. "Fang!" Scott, Mike, Zoet and I yelled, them in fright, me in delight. He growled at them and waved at me. Gwen said "Who?"

Lighning and Courtney went first. They both came back empty handed and Duncan and Sierra went this time.

Mike and Gwen went next and Mike landed on Fang. I already told Fang not to hurt him so Zoey had to come in like an idiot! I had it under control. Sam and heather went again. Zoey went and I saw Lightning and Duncan try to make Scott go.

Zoey got in the basket, making Lindsey push. She should have done what Mike did and use a stick but no! She's making Lindsey push , making us go slow!

Scott and lightning hit the robot into the water. I saw someone bust out of the water. ALEJANDRO!?!?! " Damn...." I said smiling.

Heather started screaming, and he landed on his feet but fell. Apparently, the villains won! DAMN IT!

At the bonfire, Gwen gave Courtney some flowers which she was allergic to. Again, I almost died laughing.

Chris wanted a villain to spend the night on Boney island to find an invincibility statue. I voted for Lindsey.

I saw Lindsey had a x on her face and it came down to Courtney and Lindsey. Lindsey went home by a... Toilet!

The water sprayed on us and I screamed. I went back to the cabin to shower and got to bed.

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