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Niall's POV:

"Niall what's a mate?" is all my head would play, her sweet voice filling my brain with a horrible question.

"follow me" i said as i walked towards my car with Sapphire walking a step behind me, well this is going to be interesting.

i climbed in the drivers side and watched as Sapphire hopped into the passengers side.

"what is going to happen to Stephnie and where the hell are we going?" she asked confused and angry. i swear she used an alpha tone then but i am not gunna ask, she is already to confused as it is.

i started my car and took off out of her driveay and towards the highway.

"dont worry about Stephnie, Harry is going to look after her and bring her to our place, and we are heading there to as i need to speak to my parents" i said trying to stay calm, yes i am getting pissed that i keep seeing signs as to her being a wolf but when i smell her i dont smell anything but her sweet and intoxicating scent. she doesnt smell like a wolf and niether does her sister. i know they are sisters as they smell sort of the same but no one can smell as good as my mate.

i smiled as i zipped down the highway, thank god no one is out at this time.

"Ni can you please tell me what a mate is?" she asked again hope clear in her voice.

"babe can you please wait until i reach home and speak to my parents, i promise after i speak to them i will explain everything. the tattoo thingy, the mate thingy and you have to explain what evil lavern or whatever her name is does to you" i said wating to know what that bitch does to my mate.

she just nodded as i pulled up to my house and watched the gate open so i could pass. as soon as the gate finished opening i stompted onto the gass and zoomed up to the house stopping just in time.

i ripped the keys out and opened the door before turning to face Sapphire.

"if you want you can stay here and wait for Stephnie to get here or you can come in with me and wait in the lounge room or my bedroom for me, its up to you" i said as i looked into her eyes.

i could tell she was deep in thought as her eyes glazed over for a minute.

"i will stay out here if thats ok" she smiled softly as i nodded and kissed her cheek before getting out of the car and running up the stairs to the front door. i ripped the door open and ran up to my fathers study. i stopped out the front of the study and lifted my hand up to knock but stopped as i heard two voices talking, i knew instantly that it was my mother and father secretly talking, well trying to be secret. i used my wolf hearing to evesdrop on them.

"we need to make sure they dont find out they are half vampire halfl warewolf, that would mess everything up" my mother whispered.

"i know but with him and his mate having the same mark its endebed that he will find out that him and his mate have some vampire in them. even if his mate is full vamipre" my father hissed, i knew by the way he was talking he was hissing mostly at himself.

i couldnt take it anymore and barged into his office.

"you dont have to worry about keep it secret anymore and besides the fact my mate is not a full vampire she is half warewolf to, but i guess you dont care. how long did you think you could keep this hidden from me?" i asked pissed off at them.

"longer then this" my mother said looking down at the ground.

"well to bad" i replied before turning around and taking a step to the door.

"just promise me you wont have sex with her, son" my father said before i turned and faced him.

"to late" i said before walking out of the house and to my car.

"Niall, whats wrong?" i heard Harry ask.

Sapphire's POV:

i watched as Niall walked out of his home, actually its more like a castle. i looked at his face and noticed he looked pissed.

i quickly opened the car door and jumped out before running towards Niall and Harry.

before i know it i was halfway to them before colapsing in pain.

"Niall" i scream at him before i hear five sets of feet running towards me.

"Hurry Niall take her into the forest and be there for her, she is changing and by the looks of things its her first time, she needs you to be there for her and no there is nothing yu can do for her just be there" i hear a voice just like hulks, what the hell does she is changing mean? what am i changing into? i asked myself before i feel my body being lifted up by to strong arms.

i feel the breeze in my hair but all i can focus on is the pain i am in, i scream as another jolt of pain goes through my body.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME?" i sream at Niall before i feel my body being placed on the leafy ground.

i am still laying here with pain going through my whole body and tears streaming down my face for another ten minutes before my feels like its bones are shifting. what the fuck!

i scream for what felt like one million years, literally, before i feel myself stand on my hands and knees and all my senses get stronger.

'WHAT THE FUCK' i yell but it only comes out like a bark, uh what.

i look down to my feet and relise the my feet are actually paws. like any normal person would i started paniking before i feel two hand on my back patting me, i look towards Niall and see its his doing it. what the fuck mate i aint an animal. but that feels nice.

what the hell is wrong with me? i asked myself before hearing Niall's sweet voice. "Think of your human body and you will turn into your human self again" he says his voice turning me on, WHAT!

what is he talking about i am human. i did as he said and after a minute or two of thinking i felt a jolt of pain go through me.

Niall's POV:

watching her change and in so much pain made my heart break into little pieces.

after she changed back she looked at me with pain crossing her eyes in ever direction before she layed her head down and blacked out.

i quickly took off my shirt and put it on her before lifting her up and walking back to the house only to find Harry and Stephnie gone but my parents still standing there.

"you know for the next few weeks she is going to really want sex right?" my mother asked and i just nodded before a wave of warewolf smell washed over me but it was mixed with my mates scent so i knew it was her, wait why is her smell so strong, stronger then an alphas?

*so Sapphire a Warewolf? so that means Stephnie is right? i hope you like it*

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