x. Totally Clueless

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       FRED FINDS IT RIDICULOUS, ACTUALLY, how adamant George and Lee are being about this whole situation. Every morning and every bloody night the two will manage to ambush him at some point, and bring up the same topic, the topic that's been brought up so much in the past year that he thinks they talk about it more than their practical jokes. Maybe it comes up naturally in conversation, now that she's back, maybe he's sitting there, not doing his Potions homework, and Lee suddenly brings it up. Either way, they keep on talking about it, like if they mention it enough times, they'll will it into the universe. It's annoying as fuck.

       And that topic, ladies and gentlemen, is this: Briar fucking Crouch.

       You know what? He isn't going to go into the actual details. It doesn't matter, does it, all that's important is that he knows for a fact that he's in love with her, but George and Lee only think he fancies her. Which is a good thing, he thinks. They'd take the piss out of him even more if they knew that. And they already take the piss every opportunity they've given, what would they do if they knew how it was even worse?

       They used to talk about her because she wasn't around, because they all missed her and they saw her dad most days so the whole thing felt weird. They used to mention her, because they'd walk into the common room before breakfast and expect a pretty blonde girl to appear as well, a small smile across her face, and then she wouldn't be there. They used to mention her, when they got her letters, complaining about Beauxbatons... But now, it's a lot less we all miss our friend Briar, and instead, it's Fred fancies Briar and it's about time.

       He knows he fancied her before that, but he doesn't need to tell George and Lee that. All they know is that it started in the summer... He can admit it got worse in the summer, but that's because he hadn't seen her in a year, he sort of forgot... OK, well, he forgot how fucking fit she is and quickly he realised how he didn't just fancy her.

Clueless ━━ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now