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***ANNA'S P.O.V.***

Me being Mrs. Franta woke up to Connor being Mr. franta. I just love saying that. It's been a week since the wedding. Its been so weird though I still am throwing up. At first I thought It was just because I was nervous but now I don't know. Well I have a doctors appointment today so I guess they will find out, maybe the flu.

"Hey connor" I said getting out of bed and already getting ready

"Yea?" he said in his morning voice

"I'm going to a doctors appointment in about fifteen minutes so can you take care of Xavier this morning?"

"Sure" he moaned and then buried his head back into his blankets.

"Okay" I said. In 10 minutes I was ready, record time.

I grabbed my purse and headed out the door feeling a little sick. I drove down to the doctors office and walked in hearing the bell on the door ring.

"Hello" the lady at the counter greeted me.

"Hello, I'm Anna Hensley, I have an appointment"

"Oh yes, just sit in the waiting room and someone will be right with you" she smiled and I walked over and sat down.

I went on to my phone and saw that my Twitter feed was blowing up with the same thing.

"Do the married tag!!!"

I guess it's not a bad idea, just have to talk to Connor about it. I went onto Instagram went through my camera roll to find a picture of Connor and I on our wedding day. I put a border on it and posted it saying "throw back to last week with my love @connorfranta 👰👫" I clicked post and then got many comments mainly just saying #annor.

"Anna hensely" A nurse said looking up from her clip board. She was small and had short brown hair, she looked young and wore pink scrubs she also had glasses with purple frames.

I got up and walked over to her.

"Hello, just follow me" she smiled and walked to one of the rooms.

"Ok, so my name is doctor Danae, I'm just going to ask a few questions and I need truthful answers, no pressure" she smiled, and I noticed she had a high pitch voice, she was very sweet.

"Ok so the first question is, how long have you been experiencing these problems?"

"For about 3 weeks I've been throwing up and just feeling a little dizzy."

"Ok, have you had sexual activity"

"Yes" I said awkwardly.

"When do most problems occur"

"In the mornings"

"Ok, last question, have you taken any pregnancy tests?"

"No" I said realizing what this probably was.

"Ok" she went over to a drawer and pulled out a pregnancy test.

"There is a bathroom right down the hall, you can just take this then bring it back and we will see" she smiled and opened the door and handed me the test.

I took it and went to the bathroom. I went onto the stick and then got dressed again. I took the test and went back to the room.

"Now we just have to wait" she said.

I held it in my hands until five minutes later the result was on the test. she looked at it and smiled at me.

"Congratulations! Your pregnant" she smiled widely, lots of smiling with her.

"Yay" I said very small.

I didn't know whether to happy or sad nervous or excited, I was just in the state of shock. How would I tell Connor.

"Ok, so that's all, come back in a month for an ultrasound" she said and then opened the door again letting me out.

I walked out to the parking lot and into my car. I drove home silently and just had so many mixed emotions. I got to

The apartment and dug through my purse to find my keys. I found them and opened the door to see Connor playing with Xavier and his toy trucks.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"Ok" I said, not wanting to tell him.

"Find out why your getting sick?"

"Well yea..."


"Connor listen, come sit down darling."

I sat down next to him and put his hands in mine.

"Okay, the reason that I've been so sick is because I... I'm" i paused.

"sick with the flu" I took my hands out from his

"Yea, very sick" I fake coughed, but it sounded convincing.

"Aww, did they give you any meds" he asked.

"Uh yea" I half smiled.

"Well, I don't want to get either of you sick, Better go sleep" I said walking away.

"Get better soon" Connor said.

How am I going to tell him?


Plottwist Anna calls Connor Anna and Connor calls Anna Connor, so Connor is pregnant, jk did that make sense? Idek. IM IN THE PROCESS OF A NEW FANFIC IM REALLY EXCIYED BOUT TJIS.

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