Michael Myers x Reader (female)

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Note to reader: In this twisted tale of love, pick and choose how you would like your story to go and fill in the blanks with your personal information as you read along so you can become a part of this story (I do not want your personal information, keep that to yourself) Enjoy!

It is finally (your birthday)! You are finally twenty one years old, meaning that you are officially an adult. You've heard rumors going around that your friends are planning a big surprise party for you. Your friends know you more than anyone else does and you expect to see (favorite color) decorations and lots of (ribbons/streamers/confetti/balloons), lots of loud music and maybe even (blown up condoms/pin the tail on the donkey/spin the bottle/drunk musical chairs) just for fun. You secretly wish for that tall, quiet man to be invited to your party, oh what was his name... Michael or something like that? Anyways, you had a pretty big crush on him. That wide chest, those broad shoulders, his toned muscles and... Oh (your name) why are you thinking of that right now?!

You were broken away from your thoughts when you heard a quick rap rap rapping on your door. You open it up and see your (number of friends) friends, (names of friends). (your best friend's name) says "Hiiiiiii (your name)! It's your twenty first birthday, so let's go have some fun!" and they quickly and eagerly pulled you out of your house, tossing a (favorite color) sleep mask on you. You stumble a bit, blindly walking across the wet pavement. You feel raindrops falling on your head splat pat pat pat. "Had it really been raining?" You thought to yourself. You and your friends weren't going to let that silly rain ruin your nightSoon enough, you feel yourself getting pushed into a car as your friends beg you to hurry up. You hear all of your friends giggling, te he he. You asked your friends where they were taking you and (best friend's name) only replied "You'll see".

You feel the car moving and you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach from all of the excitement. One of your friends turn on the radio and you hear them enjoying the songs that are playing on the radio, along with that you heard the wheels of the car skizz skizz skizzing on the smooth road, and the soothing pitter patter, pitter patter on the car's windshield. After a few songs had finished playing, you finally heard (your favorite song) beginning to play. Your friends only sang louder showing how much they enjoyed the song too. The loud singing of your friends disturbed the peaceful quiet, you appreciated quiet moments although loud moments were also good for taking your mind off of things, quiet moments gave you time to reflect. That Michael guy must've loved the quiet, you almost never heard a peep from him, now that you think about it you have never heard a word slip from his mou-

Your thoughts were suddenly cut off as you heard your friends screaming "OH MY GOD (best friend's name) WATCH OUT!!!", a split second before the car screeeeeeeched across the road as it lost control and hit something. You flew forward, the seatbelt saving you from flying through the windshield. You were in pain and you slipped off your blindfold to see the damage. All of your friends were in critical condition, your best friend seemingly got the worst of it. (He/ she) had their head dangling down onto the dashboard which was now covered in blood, most likely (his/her) own and (his/her) legs were twisted up like a silly straw. (He/she) probably had broken ribs seeing the bruises on (his/her) sides and the difficulty (he/she) had breathing. Your friends were unconscious but they were all still alive, you could feel their slow, light pulses pul... pul.... pulse..... 

You calmed down a bit and pondered what to do in a situation like this. You already tried to call 911, but there was no signal. You hadn't even brought your wallet and it seems that you were in the middle of nowhere. The rain outside continued to splat pat pat, but a different sound among the splat pat pats of the rain alerted you. It sounded like heavy work boots in the rain, sploom sploom sploom. You peered outside and among all of the mist and the rain, you caught a glimpse of a man in a navy blue engineer's jumpsuit. He was wearing a white mask. You blinked and he was gone just as quickly as he appeared. You unbuckled your seatbelt and hobbled out of the flipped car to look for the mysterious man. "Hello, is anybody there?" You asked out loud. To your dismay, nobody answered back but your echo. You returned to the car to find most of your friends brutally slashed up, on the neck, chest, arms, and back. The only one that wasn't yet slashed up was your best friend. You sobbed and wept over the loss of your friends and you suddenly felt a cold, rough hand tightly wrap around your thin neck. You choked, caught by surprise. You tried your best to release yourself from the killer's grasp, but to no avail. You grabbed, pulled, wriggled and squirmed, scratched and punched, but nothing made his grip even lessen, instead, it only became tighter. You kept fighting until you ran out of breath as your world slowly faded away and you felt the hand leave it's place from your neck. 

~Le Time Skip~

You woke up in what looked like the basement of a building, your best friend also awake tied up and with duct tape over her mouth. You tried to go to her only to find out that you were also tied up. You heard a door creeeeeeeak open and the sound of the heavy worker boots returned, they went doom, doom, doom down all of the steps. You wiggled in your ropes trying to get out even though you knew it was useless. You only wiggled harder once you seen the man in the white mask emerge from the corner after coming down the steps. He was carrying a large kitchen knife and it was covered in blood, most likely from all of your dead friends. He was headed right towards your best friend with that huge kitchen knife raised over his head. You cried and whimpered and you seemed to have caught the man's attention as he stopped dead in his tracks, lowered his knife, and slowly turned his head over to look at you. You begged and pleaded for his mercy "Please, please don't kill me, I'll do ANYTHING, just don't kill me...". He seemed almost sympathetic as he slowly approached you, knife still in hand but he lowered down to your height, tilted his head and began to wipe your tears away. You didn't want his filthy hands on you as you pulled your face away from the man who killed all of your friends. Just hearing his laboured breathing from behind that mask disgusted you. He stood there kneeling, looking into your eyes for a bit, then standing up and heading back towards your best friend. The clock on the wall tick, tick, ticked as you waited to see what the unpredictable man would do next.

The killer looked back at you almost as if to make sure you were watching as he proceeded to raise his knife above his head and brutally jab it into the throat of your best friend. You screamed in horror and shock, letting your tears pour down your face and splosh splat splat on the floor. The brutal killer continued to jab, stab, rip, tear and pull your friends skin off until she was unrecognizable and way past dead. You sobbed and whimpered, weakly begging for release. "Please... Just please kill me... I can't live like this!" It turned its full body around to tilt its head at you innocently, as if it had done nothing wrong. It made its way over to you, hugging you and patting your back. pat pat pat, it felt nice... You laughed. All he did was grab your shoulders and stare into your eyes. You stared back wondering why you were enjoying having the company of the man who had just killed all of your friends. He pulled his mask up just enough for him to be able to kiss away all of your salty tears smooch smooch smooch. 

He stood for a while and soon, turned off the light and left you and your dead friend alone together in the dirty, cold, dark basement. You came to the dark realization that you were not leaving this place and you were stuck with this beast. You laughed and cried not knowing how to react. This all had to have been a nightmare, but you knew it wasn't. You spoke to your dead friend for a bit, planning a way for the two of you to escape but began to break out in a fit of laughter and tears knowing that they were gone, you had nobody left and there was no chance of escaping. The last thing you remembered hearing was the tick... tick... tick... tick... tick.... of the clock as your world swirled away and you slipped into insanity...

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